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Credit Repair 2020 vs Credit Repair 2021 (A Look Back. A Look Ahead)

By: Daniel Rosen Last updated: April 24, 2024

Are you ready for the new year? Next week we welcome 2021 and as I reflect on this past year and look forward to the next one, I want to take a minute to say, 

“THANK YOU for being part of Credit Repair Cloud, listening to the podcasts, getting involved and changing lives as we grow the Credit Hero movement together!” 

Some of you listening may have been with me for years, some of you might already be right here on our millionaires wall, and some of you are brand new to credit repair. 

All are equally exciting which is why each year I’ve added in new opportunities, software features, upgrades, free training, and so much more which is why we’re the Category King of credit repair software!

No matter how long you’ve been with us it’s all thanks to YOU!  

So in this article, we’re going to take a look back at how far we’ve come together in 2020 and give you a peek at not only where we’re going, but what to expect the entire credit repair industry to do in 2021. 

One of the opportunities we added in 2020 was the Credit Hero Challenge, where we hold you by the hand as you start your own credit repair business in just 14-days.

As I think back to January 2020, my team and I worked day and night around the clock to create the challenge and I hoped it would make an impact but, I had NO idea how much it would be needed!

And then we were all hit with the pandemic in March, April, May...

And as every month came and went, the world stopped, families hit financial ruin, and our nation dealt with the biggest financial crisis any of us have ever gone through as COVID19 shook us all.  

That’s when I realized the Credit Hero Challenge wasn’t just a program to help the Credit Repair Cloud community...

It was a program that would create a movement and change our nation, One #CreditHero at a time. 

See, what I’ve come to realize over the past couple months is, people need you more now than ever before.

According to current public stats (and the effects of COVID19 have only just started to hit the economy) 46 Million Americans have been financially devastated by the pandemic.

That means 46 million potential clients need you to be ready in the new year!

Just to help put that in business terms let’s look at a hypothetical...

If we took all those people who desperately need your help and divided them amongst our current Credit Heroes...

And If they were all paying an average of $97 per month, each and every Credit Hero would make an average of $719,600 recurring revenue each month!

AND our nation would be completely transformed as millions of families would be helped and given financial peace of mind. 

Isn’t that amazing? 

But what does it mean to be a Credit Hero?

It means you

  • Fight the system and WIN
  • Defend your clients
  • Inspire others
  • Enable dreams
  • Live life on purpose

And change lives EVERY DAY!

And guess what? 

Thousands of you are out there doing it! You’re living as Credit Heroes and changing a ton of lives!

I know this because we crossed a HUGE milestone this year when YOU our Credit Heroes made over 100 million dollars in revenue using Credit Repair Cloud!

image-Dec-29-2020-01-01-46-78-AMIsn’t that incredible? That was a HUGE win in 2020!  

Plus, several NEW Credit Heroes were inducted into the Credit Repair Millionaires Club for making over a million dollars in their credit repair business using CRC software!!

And to help support you as you grow your businesses, I launched our Credit Repair Business Secrets podcast which thanks again to YOU reached the top 100 in entrepreneurship podcast downloads! 

AND we added in a ton of awesome new features like the letter finder that saves everybody a ton of time and makes fighting for your client’s so much easier! 

AND we made it in the INC 5000 for the second year in a row!!

I mean, for a guy that came from nothing, homeless on the streets of LA at 13, juggling just to be able to eat that day, to now being surrounded by Credit Heroes who are out there changing the world every day is absolutely amazing!! And I can’t help but take a minute to celebrate this year with you!

It’s been a crazy year in a lot of ways, but you’ve also made it a great one here at Credit Repair Cloud! 

So, what’s coming next year? 

Well, we’ve got a ton of super awesome new top secret projects coming up and I can’t wait to reveal them to you throughout the year.

But, just a sneak peek, we’ve got new free trainings, workshops, resources, coaching and so much more that’ll roll out in 2021.

And the software - well, it’s going to be SO amazing what we’re doing will totally blow your mind! I can’t tell you now because we don’t want the news to fall into the wrong hands - but keep a look out because it’s going to be awesome!

As for the credit repair industry as a whole - as Credit Heroes you’ve never been needed more than you are right now. 

Statistics out there are alarming and we’re just now starting to see some effects of the pandemic on American family’s finances. 

I’m talking stats you can find with a quick Google search like: 

  • In 26 states more than 1 in 5 households are behind on rent. 
  • Bankruptcies have increased.
  • 14% of Americans (that’s 46 Million people) wiped out their emergency savings due to the pandemic.
  • 53% of American’s say that they don't have enough savings to cover a $400 unexpected expense.
  • And a record number of people are behind on credit card payments as they’ve had to prioritize what bills to pay. 

If you want to change lives and make a great living in the process, America NEEDS you to be ready for what’s coming in 2021. 

These aren’t just statistics, they are families that won’t be approved for a home, car, ` phone, loan or if they are, they’ll be taken advantage of by the system that we fight against! 

That’s why the Credit Hero challenge is so important. This is the first program I’ve ever created that walks you by the hand as we launch your credit repair business together in just 14 days so that you are ready to serve and change lives FAST! 

We do this by focussing on three areas:

  1. Education

You’ll become the EXPERT in credit repair as you stand on the shoulders of industry giants and learn over 40 years of credit repair knowledge in just 14-days. 

You’ll learn the basic AND advanced disputing techniques so you can get RESULTS on your first try. 

You’ll understand all legal aspects of starting and running a credit repair business so you can avoid the costly mistakes everyone else makes.  

And you’ll earn 3 credit repair certifications to create instant credibility as you proudly display and share them with your leads and new customers. 

  1. Mentorship and Accountability

You’ll receive regular live coaching and accountability calls allowing you to stay motivated and get real time answers as you work through the challenge.

And our strategically designed daily assignments keep you moving toward your goals as you celebrate accomplishments each day. 

Plus my morning accountability messages remind you what you need to do, why you’re doing it, and how to WIN. 

And the daily videos help you easily understand credit repair concepts, get clear on what you need to finish each day, and drive your goals forward. 

  1. Community

You’re not in this alone! 

Our Credit Hero Challenge private Facebook community allows you to share your journey with others going through the same things you are!

Inside the community you’ll find encouragement, inspiration… and maybe your new best friend or business partner!

Plus, any time there’s big news, freebies, updates, or anything else I wanna share with you - I’ll hop on LIVE to chat with you first! 

Even if your friends or family don’t understand your journey, this community surrounds you in a 14-day magic bubble so you can accomplish your dream WITHOUT getting discouraged. 

Plus… I’ll even help you get your first client within 24 hours.

We’ve already had hundreds of Credit Heroes graduate and their results have been amazing! 

So as I look back at 2020 with gratitude for YOU and all we’ve accomplished together, I also look forward to 2021 with excitement at all you’ll accomplish AND with a burden of responsibility to help you not miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to make this year your best year ever and help the millions of Americans who so desperately need you in the process! …

We’re starting a new group in just a few days so sign up at before doors close!



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Topics: Podcast



Are you ready for the new year? Next week, we welcome in 2021, and as I reflect on this past year, and I look forward to the next one, I want to take a minute to say thank you for being a part of Credit Repair Cloud. Thank you for listening to my podcasts, thank you for getting involved, and especially thank you for changing lives as we grow this Credit Hero movement together. Now, some of you listening might have been with me for years, some of you might already be here on our Millionaires Wall, and some of you might be brand new to credit repair, which are all equally exciting, and that's why every year, I always add in new opportunities, new software features, new upgrades, free training, and so much more. Which is why we are the category king of credit repair software, so that no matter how long you've been with us, it's all thanks to you! So in this episode, we're going to take a look back at exactly how far we've come together in 2020. And more exciting, I'm going to give you a sneak peek at not only where we are going, but what you can expect from the entire credit repair industry for 2021. So stick around! 


So the big question is this, how can we take our passion for helping people with their credit and turn it into a successful business without taking loans without spending a fortune by bootstrapping it from nothing so we can help the most people and still become highly profitable? That is the question, and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Daniel Rosen, and welcome to Credit Repair Business Secrets. 


One of the biggest opportunities that we added in 2020 was the Credit Hero Challenge, where we hold you by the hand as you start your own credit repair business in just 14 days. Now, if you want to know more about that, click the link in the description down below this video. Now, as I think back a year ago, to January 2020, at that point, my team and I, we were working day and night around the clock to complete creating the challenge. And I hoped that the challenge would make an impact but I had no idea how much it was going to be needed. Because shortly after we launched it, we were all hit with a pandemic in March, and April, and May, and all those months. As every month came and went, the world just seemed to stop. And families everywhere they hit financial ruin. And our nation dealt with the biggest financial crisis that any of us have ever gone through, as COVID-19 shook us all. And that's when I realized the Credit Hero Challenge, it wasn't just a program to help the credit repair cloud community. No, it became a program to create a movement and change our nation, one Credit Hero at a time. See, what I've come to realize over the past couple of months is that people need you now more than they ever have before. According to current public stats, and the effects of COVID-19 have only just started to hit the economy. This is going to blow your mind 46 million Americans have been financially devastated by the pandemic. And you know what that means? That means 46 million potential clients that need you. So you need to get ready for the next year. Okay, so just to put that in business terms, let's look at a hypothetical. If we took all those people who desperately need your help, and if we divided them equally amongst our current Credit Heroes, if they were all paying an average of $99 a month, each and every Credit Hero in our community would make an average of $720,000 in recurring revenue every month. Okay? That's the impact this has on the credit repair industry. Okay, and our nation. If you guys helped all those people, our nation would be completely transformed as millions of families would be helped. And given Financial Peace of mind. Isn't that amazing? But what does it mean to be a Credit Hero, it means that you fight the system. And when it means you defend your clients, you inspire others, you enable dreams, you live life on purpose, and you change lives every day. And guess what 1000s of you are already out there doing it, you're living his Credit Heroes, and changing a ton of lives. And I know this, because we crossed a huge milestone this year, when our Credit Heroes made over $100 million in revenue through credit repair cloud, is that incredible. And that blew my mind. That was a huge win for all of us in 2020. Plus, a whole bunch of new Credit Heroes, were inducted into the credit repair Millionaire's club here behind me for making over a million dollars in their credit repair businesses using credit repair cloud software, and to support you as you grow your businesses. Also, in 2020, I launched this podcast, which thanks again to you, it reached the top 100 in entrepreneurship podcast downloads. And that blew my mind. Let's see what else happened in 2020. We, we added in a ton of awesome new features and credit repair cloud, like the letter finder that saves everybody a whole ton of time, and makes fighting for your clients so much easier. We also made it into the Inc 5000 for the second year in a row. I mean, for a guy that came from nothing. I mean, I was homeless on the streets of Los Angeles at 13. Okay, I was juggling on street corners, just to be able to eat that day. And to now be surrounded by Credit Heroes who are out there changing the world every day. It's absolutely amazing. And I can't help but take a minute to celebrate this year with you. It's been a crazy year in a whole lot of ways. But you've also made it a great one, you're at Credit Repair Cloud. So what's coming next year, we've got a ton of super awesome new top-secret projects that are coming up. And I can't wait to reveal them to you throughout the year. But just a sneak peek. We've got new free trainings, workshops, resources, coaching, and so much more. That's all ready to roll out in 2021. And the software Well, it's going to be so amazing. What we're doing right now is going to totally blow your mind. And I can't tell you now, because we don't want the news to fall into the wrong hands. But keep a lookout because it's going to be awesome. And for the credit repair industry as a whole. As Credit Heroes, you have never been needed more than you are right now. statistics out there. They are alarming. And we're just now starting to see some effects of the pandemic on American family's finances. And I'm talking stats that you can find with a quick Google search like like in 26 states, more than one in five households are behind on their rent and bankruptcies have increased 14% of Americans that's 46 million people are wiped out their emergency savings due to the pandemic 53% of all Americans say they don't have enough savings to cover a $400 unexpected expense and the record number of people that are behind on their credit card payments. And as they've had to reprioritize what bills to pay. It's just been disastrous for people. So if you want to change lives, and you want to make a great living in the process, America needs you to be ready for what's coming in 2021. Now, these aren't just statistics, these are real families, real families that won't be approved for a home, a car, a cell phone alone, or if they are they're going to be taken advantage of by the system that we fight against. That's why the Credit Hero Challenge is so important. This is the first program that I've ever created that walks by the hand as we launch your credit repair business together in just 14 days so that you're ready to serve and change lives fast. And we do this by focusing on three areas. The first is education and you will become the expert in credit repair as you stand on the shoulders of industry giants and learn over 40 years of credit repair knowledge. In just 14 days, you'll learn the basic and advanced disputing techniques so that you can get results on your first try. You'll understand all legal aspects of starting and running a credit repair business so that you can avoid the costly mistakes that everyone else makes. And you're gonna earn three credit repair certifications to create instant credibility as you proudly display and share them with your leads and new customers. Now the second way is through mentorship and accountability, you will receive regular live coaching and accountability calls, allowing you to stay motivated, and you'll get real-time answers as you work through the challenge, and are strategically designed daily assignments that keep you moving forward with your goals. As you celebrate accomplishments every day, plus my morning accountability messages. They remind you of exactly what you need to do, why you're doing it, and how to win, and the daily videos. They help you to understand credit repair concepts that you need to know they help you to get clear on what you need to finish every day and drive your goals forward. And the third way is through the community so that you're not in this alone, our Credit Hero Challenge private Facebook community, it allows you to share your journey with others that are going through the same things that you are inside the community, you will find encouragement, inspiration, and maybe even your new best friend or business partner. Plus, anytime there's big news, freebies, updates, or anything else that I want to share with you, I hop on live to chat with you first. Even if your friends or your family don't understand your journey, this community surrounds you in a 14-day magic bubble, so you can accomplish your dream without getting discouraged. Plus, I will even help you to get your first client within 24 hours. We've already had hundreds of Credit Heroes graduate, and their results have been amazing. So as I look back at 2020, with gratitude for you, and all that we've accomplished together, I also look forward to 2021 with excitement at all that you're going to accomplish, and with a burden of responsibility to help you to not miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to make this your best year ever, and to help the millions of Americans who so desperately need you in the process. Now we're just starting a new group for the challenge in just a couple of days. So sign up right now at and sign up before the doors close. And if you're finding value in the things that I'm sharing on this podcast, click below to subscribe. And if you're feeling kind, write me and give me a review because this is a new podcast. And I can use all the help I can get. And I will see you next year on the next episode. And until then, be a Credit Hero and keep changing lives! 


Hey, everybody, it's Daniel again. And really quick, I'd like to invite you to join what I believe is the best thing we have ever created inside the Credit Repair Cloud Community. And it is a challenge that we call the Credit Hero Challenge. If you're just planning out your business or you're just getting started, and you dream of having a successful business your own, so you can quit your nine to five and fire your boss and have financial freedom, or so you can add another revenue stream to your existing business, if that's your dream, you need to get into this challenge. We created this challenge to help you to create and launch your very own credit repair business. To build a proper foundation for a really successful business. This challenge is going to help you to understand the strategy, the tactics and all the things you need to be successful at credit repair. It really is the greatest thing we have ever built, and it will change your life. So I recommend you do it right now. Stop everything, pause this audio, go online, and go to That's and join the next challenge. And there's a challenge that's starting in just a few days. So go get started right now at

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