Credit Repair Cloud Blog | How to Start a Credit Repair Business

Credit Repair Lead Generation: Got your first client, now what?

Written by Daniel Rosen | July 04, 2023

Did you hook your first credit repair client, but you don't know what to do next? 

Well, on this week's Podcast, I'm gonna explain how you can onboard that first client and turn them into a lead-generation machine!

In the 20 years since releasing my first credit repair software, I've helped thousands of businesses to build from the ground up. I experienced many of the same challenges that Credit Heroes face and learned proven ways to overcome them, grow, and succeed.

In my experience, most new Credit Heroes are so focused on hooking their first client that they don't know what to do when they actually get one! 

They're so excited to tell the world that they provide credit repair services that they get shocked by the response! They realize they don't have a system to turn their leads into happy clients quickly, and they panic! 

This is where the art of "onboarding" comes into the picture.

The onboarding process is the first impression that your business makes with a new customer, setting the tone for the rest of your relationship. 

It gives you the opportunity to prove your value, build trust, and turn your lead into a magnet for many more credit repair clients! 

Onboarding systems can showcase products and services and teach new clients how to use them. They can upsell, make special offers, and encourage clients to share positive reviews and create testimonials. 

But best of all, a well-made onboarding system can be automated, saving you time and money so that you can focus on more important parts of your business. You just need to learn how to build them!


The keys to building a successful credit repair onboarding process are simple. You need to know who your client is: their goals and the challenges they face. You need to personalize the experience so you stand out and connect in a meaningful way. And you need to show them that you're making progress with early results. 

But most importantly, the key to a successful onboarding process is making it as quick and hassle-free for your clients as possible!

You do this by Collecting Information: The client's credit history, their credit report, credit score, and any other information they provide.

You Create A Plan: A personalized strategy that outlines the steps you'll take to dispute negative items and improve their credit.

You Dispute Low Hanging Fruit: Check out my episode series on how you can remove negative items from credit reports.

And you Monitor Progress and Share Early Results

That's it!

The exact steps for how to build an onboarding process usually depend on the size of your Credit Repair company. 

If you're just starting, you're probably doing most of the onboarding process in person, and that's fine. But if you want a faster and more efficient system and you want to grow your business, the trick is to do as much as you can online using Credit Repair software

Incorporating Credit Repair software into an online onboarding system frees up your time and energy by allowing clients to complete most of the steps without you even being involved.


Credit Repair Cloud makes the onboarding process a breeze! It allows you to add new leads, import their credit reports, run very professional-looking credit audits, create client profiles, automate personalized messages, and sign agreements, all before you even make them an official client! 


No matter which software you use, having a smooth and straightforward onboarding process helps your new clients feel like they're already on the path to reaching their goals. 

The faster you get the lead through the paperwork and to the dispute process, the quicker you can dispute the low-hanging fruit negative items and get them actual results fast.

Showing these early wins, even single-digit score increases, goes a long way to convince your new client that your methods work and that they've hired the right person. 

Now, I'm biased, but the onboarding process in Credit Repair Cloud is specifically designed to help take your new leads and get them ready for the dispute process as fast as possible. It only takes a few steps:


You can sign up for a free trial right on our website.


After you sign up for an account, you fill out your company profile, providing basic information about your business, like your name, address, and phone number. YOu need to do that because it fills in all the parts that a client sees.


You just click "Add New Client," fill in their basic information, set their status as "Lead" or "Client," and that automatically creates their Client Profile Page that includes their dispute status chart.

This is where Credit Repair Cloud really shines. After you sign the client up, they will receive an email that allows them to continue the onboarding process on their own, or you can walk them through it. 

They choose their username and password. They're shown a digital agreement that spells out your services and any special offers or deals you want to include. 

Then they're welcomed into their Client Portal, where they can see their credit scores, status updates, new deletions, etc. 

They'll be invited to sign up for credit monitoring for $1 and import their credit reports - if you haven't done this already.


This is easy because your client's credit monitoring account is already connected to Credit Repair Cloud. So importing it just takes one click, and it shows you everything going on in the credit report and highlights anything wrong. 


Quickly review their credit reports to determine whether the client is a good fit for your services.


Credit Repair Cloud can do this in one click. And it's a lot like when you take your car to the dealership, and they print out a report about your car and all the ways they can fix it. You review this credit audit with your client and explain the dispute process. You talk about each piece of inaccurate information and ask the client to weigh in on what they would like to dispute.


Based on what you learned during the Credit Audit, outline the specific steps of your dispute strategy. Sharing this plan with your client helps keep them informed, establishes expectations, and gets them excited because they're making progress!  


In my experience, it's important to focus your early effort on removing simple and obvious errors. Showing results as soon as possible will build trust and buy you time for the longer, more complicated disputes. 

At this point, your client is signed in and signed up, and they've begun the journey back to good credit! The onboarding is officially complete, they're happy, and you're hard at work getting them results. 

But there's still one more bonus onboarding stage that can turn your client into a lead-generating machine!


After you've onboarded your lead and they're officially your client, you're working for them, but they can also work for you!

The trick is to make the final step of your onboarding process a request for them to share results and positive reviews, plus testimonials and referrals. 

You can even make a special offer for every referral they send your way. 

No matter how you do it, make this final step as simple as possible for your new client! Set up free business listings on Google, Yelp, TrustPilot, and other business review sites. Share these links with your new clients at the end of the onboarding process and again when you get your first wins and throughout your relationship.

Next, use all the positive reviews and testimonials in your marketing materials and on your website. And be sure to follow up with your referrals quickly, and convert them into new clients. 

Lather, rinse, repeat the process, and watch that first client start to grow your Credit Repair business! This is how the most successful people in our industry grow their business. And as you can see, these are pretty simple concepts. 

The most important part is being consistent with this every single time. That consistency is what will grow your business into a huge success. 

If you want 6 months of Credit Repair Cloud software for free, plus access to Advanced Disputing and additional business courses, sign up for our Masterclass!


Landing your first client is a big deal, and it's definitely a cause for celebration. But remember, it's also the time to get serious, make a great first impression, and turn that client into a lead-generating machine! 

Having a well-designed onboarding process with integrated software like Credit Repair Cloud is more than just an option. It's a must! It allows you to handle more leads, grow your business faster, and change more lives!


If you still need a Credit Repair Cloud account, check it out. It's the software that most Credit Repair businesses in America run on. Sign up here for a Free Trial!

And if you'd like to change lives and grow your very own Credit Repair business, check out our Credit Hero Challenge!

It's an amazing program, and we've got another challenge starting in a few days, so grab your spot right now at!

So take care, Credit Hero!

And Keep Changing Lives!

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