Credit Repair Cloud Blog | How to Start a Credit Repair Business

Delete Negative Items from Credit Reports INSTANTLY With This Easy Trick!

Written by Daniel Rosen | January 03, 2023

There's a trick that can INSTANTLY delete negative items from credit reports, and today I'm going to explain how it works and give you the tools to get it done!

Did you know that when you sit down at a Bank, a Car Dealership, or Credit Union, those Loan Officers or Lenders type your personal information into the application, and that information is placed directly onto your Credit Report? 

It's true. Your Name, Address, Social Security, Date of Birth, and Employment Info are all added to your report EXACTLY how they type it. 

Now, stop and think about how many errors you make while typing an email or sending a text! Little mistakes happen, and they're usually not a big deal. 

But when a Loan Officer or a Lender spells your Name wrong, or they enter the wrong Address, Social Security, Date of Birth, or Employment information, those errors become part of your permanent credit file. Yeah, that's how that crazy stuff ends up there! And it can cause serious financial consequences.


Personal Information and Identity errors are one of the most common errors on credit reports. And these errors can make you less creditworthy. 

So the next time you go to apply for credit, you might be denied, then that denial can also affect your report, and what started as a tiny error, snowballs into an avalanche! 

You did nothing wrong, but because the information they have on file doesn't match what you're giving them, you now have a red flag. 


When you look at this from the lender's perspective, it's easy to understand why they might be suspicious. If you were lending money to a stranger and the information they provided doesn't match what was listed on their credit report - you might be suspicious too. It's a possible sign of deception. 


There are PLENTY of other reasons to verify that all the personal information on your credit report is accurate and up to date. 

But there's also a secret reason. Do you want to know what it is? 

Okay, listen up…

Negative accounts on your report may be tied to specific pieces of personal information. For example, you may have a collection account tied to a misspelled name. Or you might have a charge-off you want to get rid of that's tied to an old address or an alias.

This means that by removing all the personal information except ONE name, ONE current address, ONE correct date of birth, ONE accurate Social Security Number, and your UP TO DATE employer information - you can get instant and easy deletions without ever having to actually dispute each one of those negative items. 


If you're not familiar with the Credit Repair Disputing Process, this might be a good time to check out our video about How Credit Repair Works.

If you're already a Credit Hero, when you go to send out your first round of letters, carefully list all of the discrepancies, meaning list all the incorrect personal information on your round one letter and go after those first. 

This will make your job easier and more efficient because that personal information tied to the negative accounts will no longer exist. So in many cases, the negative account will be deleted, as well. BOOM! Fast. Easy. Results! 

And even if this tactic results in just one additional deletion, that's one less item you need to dispute. 

Now, if you don't know what letters to send, don't worry, I'm going to give them to you. 

The 5 Dispute Letter Templates That Every Credit Hero Needs are…

THE ROUND 1 LETTER: Used by thousands of credit repair companies - for a very good reason. Because it works!

THE REINVESTIGATION LETTER: To put extra pressure on the bureaus.

THE METHOD OF VERIFICATION LETTER: To use when an item you know to be inaccurate comes back as verified.

THE WARNING LETTER: To show the credit bureaus that you know your rights and that you mean business.

THE VALIDATION DEMAND LETTER: To use whenever you're facing aggressive debt collectors.

Whether you're a seasoned pro or you're still new to the Credit Repair process, you need these letters, and you can download all five templates right now for FREE at

So make sure you get these letters because I'm giving them to you for FREE!


When fixing a problem, most people want to focus on the biggest issues first, but when it comes to Credit Repair, sometimes focusing on the smallest of errors can bring you the greatest results. 

I'll end by saying…

If you don't already have a Credit Repair Cloud account, check it out. It's the software that most Credit Repair businesses in America run on. Just sign up for a 30-Day Free Trial at

And if you'd like to change lives and grow your own credit repair business, check out our Credit Hero Challenge!

It's an amazing program, and we've got another challenge starting in a few days, so grab your spot right now at!

And remember...

Your Personal Information is the key to a Clean Credit Report.

Keep Changing Lives!

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