Credit Repair Cloud Blog | How to Start a Credit Repair Business

Secrets to Keeping Credit Repair Clients Hooked & Happy!

Written by Daniel Rosen | October 24, 2023

When was the last time you had an amazing experience with a business? One that made you want to tell all your friends about it? 

Well, on this week's Podcast, I'm gonna teach you how to create that feeling for your credit repair clients!

Okay, this is the 200th episode of my podcast, I’m very proud of that. Over a million people have heard it and watched it, and many have used the information in it to grow amazing businesses! And I hope that it’s helped and inspired you too! It’s why I do this!


In the 20 years since releasing my first credit repair software, I've helped thousands of businesses build from the ground up. 

During that time, I experienced the same challenges that many of you face, and I learned proven ways to overcome them and succeed. 

One of the most common mistakes I see new businesses make is focusing too much on signing new clients and neglecting the ones they already have. I made this mistake, and I lost a whole bunch of clients because of it. 

When I first launched Credit Repair Cloud, I was so happy when I made a sale and so excited about growing my business that I never stopped to think about how many clients I could handle. I just needed more.

When you're living off Top Ramen, the idea of too many clients is ridiculous. But that's exactly what happened! 

Suddenly, I was working around the clock, putting out fire after fire. I was Phil on Sales and Tammy on Support. I was doing my best, but it was a disaster! All my clients hated me! And they had every right to! 

By the time I helped someone, it was always too late. They wanted to cancel their order or get a refund. And I was back to eating Top Ramen. 

That's when I realized the power of customer service, and that's why today I'm gonna share my secrets to keeping your credit repair clients happy so your business can thrive!


For those new to the credit repair business, it can be tempting to focus all your energy on signing new clients. After all, you need clients to grow! But don't let that distract you from giving the best possible service to the clients you have. 

This is crucial for three reasons:

REASON #1. Current clients are your best source of referrals!

Your current clients are your best source of referrals. If you provide amazing service, they are much more likely to recommend you to friends and family, which is essential for small business growth. 

REASON #2. It allows you to establish and perfect your SOPs! 

Focusing on customer service helps you perfect your systems and processes while your client base is still small. This allows you to work out any kinks before scaling up and ensures quality remains high as you grow.

REASON #3. You ensure that all early reviews are positive!

All it takes is a few early negative reviews to damage your reputation and shut you down before you really even get off the ground. 


When you're just starting, keep the 80/20 rule in mind when organizing your time and resources. That means spending at least 80% of your effort on current clients and no more than 20% on lead generation or sales. 

This might sound backward and go against your instincts, but your current clients are your greatest assets. Studies show that it's cheaper to keep clients than to find new ones, and current clients spend more than new ones. 

So, be patient. Keep them happy, and they'll reward you.


No matter the size of your business, delivering 5-star customer service is the key to long-term success and growth. 

When you go above and beyond for your clients, they reward you with loyalty and referrals. They become your sales team. They organically attract new business better than any ad or promotional trick ever could, making all the time and resources you spend on them worthwhile. 

I put together a list of the best practices I've used and our most successful credit heroes have used to deliver service that hooks clients for life! 


If you want to provide customer service that will grow your business:

Be Honest, Thorough, & Overdeliver!

Building trust is crucial with credit repair clients. The more you prove yourself and follow through, the more clients believe in you.

So be upfront, set clear expectations about what you can deliver, and realistic timelines for achieving their goals. If your honesty scares a few leads away, don't worry about it. Let other businesses overpromise and get bad reviews when they can't deliver. 

It's better to under-promise and overdeliver.

Connect with Clients When they're Happiest! 

One of our most successful credit heroes, Amber Jones, used the philosophy of positivity to build amazing client relationships! 

This means every time you increase someone's credit score, get a deletion, or score a win, large or small, make sure that your clients know about it!

Send a quick update and remind them they're on the path to achieving their goals. It might not sound like a big deal, but it makes a huge difference to your clients. 

When they see new notifications from you, they'll associate you with good news and great results. 

If you have no choice but to give some unhappy news about a setback, do your best to sandwich the bad between two pieces of good. 

You can say something like: "Hey, Daniel! More progress to report! Equifax raised your score by 25 points! TransUnion is dragging their feet, but they'll catch up. We also got Experian to raise your score by 20 points!"

The point is, stay positive, communicate good news whenever possible, and your clients will love you!

Take Ownership and Do The Right Thing!

Ask for candid feedback regularly. Learn what you do well and what you need to improve. When a client points out a problem or you make a mistake, own it, apologize sincerely, and do the right thing. 

Solve the problem quickly and completely. Never leave anything unresolved.

Thank the clients for their feedback, even if it's harsh, and show your appreciation. Offer special perks and loyalty rewards to clients who bring issues to your attention. 

This proves to your clients that you're committed to their satisfaction and builds even more trust. 

Set Up Automations, Even Very Basic Ones!

You can Automate countless repetitive tasks that will help you provide better customer service.

You can use ActiveCampaign and other tools to schedule consultations, create invoices, provide updates, and even send birthday emails. 

Automations make it easier for clients to contact you and make you appear available whenever they need you. This helps keep clients happy, informed, and engaged throughout their credit repair process. 

The bottom line is to treat your clients with respect and put systems in place to ensure they get the attention they need. When you earn their trust, they'll stick with you for life and rave about you nonstop.

If you want to learn more ways to market and grow your credit repair business and six months of Credit Repair Cloud software for FREE, sign up for our Masterclass!


Your current clients are your greatest assets. They've already shown trust in your business, and it's your job to nurture that trust and provide them with the best service possible. 


If you still need a Credit Repair Cloud account, check it out. It's the software that most Credit Repair businesses in America run on. Sign up here for a Free Trial!

And if you'd like to change lives and grow your Credit Repair business, check out our Credit Hero Challenge!

It's an amazing program, and we've got another challenge starting in a few days, so grab your spot right now at!

So take care, Credit Hero!

And Keep Changing Lives!

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