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How to Launch a Credit Repair Business From Nothing With Andre Coakley

By: Daniel Rosen Last updated: April 24, 2024

My guest for today is one of our Credit Repair Cloud Millionaires Club members, Andre Coakley!

If you haven’t gotten the chance to hear him speak at each of our Credit Repair Expos, you’re in for a treat! 

He's an Amazon best-seller, a mentor, and a philanthropist, teaching financial literacy across the United States to those who need it most.

And, if you know Andre personally, you know he's determined, hard-working, and an all-around awesome Credit Hero who has built his successful credit repair business - from NOTHING! ...

Which makes him an inspiration for the incredible things you can achieve when you FOCUS on changing lives!

On today’s episode, he'll share his incredible journey, which at one point had him working three jobs just to keep his company afloat...

AND he’ll reveal the most important lessons he's learned along the way.

You don't want to miss it!


Key Takeaways for This Week:

  • How Andre became an Amazon best-selling author (1:33)
  • Andre Coakley's origin story and how he got into credit repair (2:59)
  • Making the full-time transition into credit repair (6:25)
  • Andre's number one advice for starting a credit repair business (11:49)
  • Teaching people about the importance of financial literacy (13:55)
  • The early days of building his credit repair company, Credit360 (15:25)
  • How to keep your team engaged and motivated (21:17)
  • The biggest challenges of getting your credit repair business off the ground (26:35)
  • What types of marketing does Andre use for his credit repair business? (31:00)

Additional Resources:



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Daniel Rosen  0:00  

If you are struggling to launch your credit repair business or to take it to the next level, you do not want to miss this amazing interview we have today. It's with one of our Millionaires Club award winners. And he's going to walk us through exactly how he launched his business from nothing, and how we built it up step by step to where it is today. Check this out! 

So the big question is this. How can we take our passion for helping people with their credit and turn it into a successful business without taking loans without spending a fortune by bootstrapping it from nothing, so we can help the most people and still become highly profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Daniel Rosen, and welcome to Credit Repair Business Secrets. 


Hey, Credit Heroes. Welcome! We have a really special show today. Our guest today is Andre Coakley. He is a Millionaires Club award winner. He's got a wildly successful credit repair business that he started from nothing and now has a huge team. They make millions of dollars. He's spoken at all of our Credit Expo events. He is an Amazon best-selling author, a mentor, and a philanthropist. Please welcome Andre Coakley. Welcome! 


Andre Coakley  1:23  

Ah! How you guys doing? How are you guys doing? I appreciate you guys inviting me out here. And I'm just getting this podcast. Thank you. 


Daniel Rosen  1:34  

We're so excited to have you here. And by the way, I want to show you I've got your book. For those of you who are just listening, I'm holding in my hands, Andre Coakley's amazing new book. It's called An Attempt to Repair America's Broken Credit System. It's got the legal loopholes that the credit bureaus don't want you to know. And it's written by Andre Coakley, it's already an Amazon bestseller and I've been reading through this it is fantastic. Congratulations on it!


Andre Coakley  2:04  

No, thank you. Thank you, actually, your book also inspired me to write my book. So cool. And see how things go? You know, it's a circle, it's a circle.


Daniel Rosen  2:12  

It sure is. We help each other up the mountain. 


Andre Coakley  2:15  



Daniel Rosen  2:16  

Yes. Well, anyways, I'm so excited. Writing a book is really, really hard. How long did it take you?


Andre Coakley  2:23  

Took about three years almost probably been thinking about it for probably about six years, just trying to see, you know, um, exactly what direction I want to go with it. The timing wind up being opportune, especially with a lot of these speaking engagements that we're doing trying to get, you know, authority in the space. And here we are three years later, Amazon bestseller, and I'm just greatly appreciative of the aspect of being an author.


Daniel Rosen  2:46  

Yeah, and you're really, really good when this book is really awesome. You really break everything down in such a simple way. That's what I really love about it.


Andre Coakley  2:56  

Thank you, thank you. 


Daniel Rosen  2:57  

Yeah, it's really, really cool. But before we get into the book, and all this stuff, I want to know more about your origin story before credit repair. What was your life like?


Andre Coakley  3:09  

Before credit repair life was kind of good. At one point, prior to the recession, I was in the mortgage industry, a very successful mortgage broker, I was a principal broker for my own firm, life was great, didn't have a problem paying bills. And then of course, we had what we call the recession of 2009. And that really took my life for a loop. During that time, I was also a property investor. So going during that recession, I had a lot of renters who kind of backed away from paying rent, wind up, causing me to have foreclosures on my credit report. I kind of went through a psychological I guess, downward spiral, just not knowing what my future entailed. And I got into the credit space, I'm like, you know, how can I try to get myself out of this situation by credit repair? And I had clients who throughout the years are like, Andre, you helped me get into my property, my credit is banged up to how can you help us get our credit back on track, and here we are, you know, seven years later, we have a credit 360. Our motto is we love helping good people with bad credit. And I love doing what I'm what I do.


Daniel Rosen  4:15  

Well, so back at the beginning, so you're in the mortgage industry, the economy starts to tank, you've got these properties, you've got the mortgage business, and everything is its sort of like being on the Titanic. As going down. I know, I went through the same situation, it was a really, really scary time. That's what really was a big catalyst in the start of Credit Repair Cloud. But were you your first client for the credit repair?


Andre Coakley  4:41  

Actually, I really wasn't during that time, I was doing credit repair, like credit repair as a mortgage broker, the home just to get those customers were on the cuff, you know, slid into an approval. However, I was making far much more money doing mortgages than credit repair, shouldn't think it was lucrative but it's funny how times have changed. I do depend on those little three $400 per client in order to be able to survive to take care of not only myself but also my credit repair team.


Daniel Rosen  5:07  

So that's kind of like what the transition was you were doing the mortgage business, you were doing the credit repair, sort of along the way to kind of help sell more loans. Correct? Correct. Correct. Yeah. And so then that sort of probably ease the transition, as that was crumbling. And the credit repair emerged. That was your transition period. Correct. 


Andre Coakley  5:30  

That was a transition period. And the sweet thing about it is, unfortunately, um, I would say probably about 80% of the other individuals who I knew were going through that same financial transition. So I wind up being a great market to capitalize on. 


Daniel Rosen  5:44  

Absolutely, that was crazy, crazy times. I've never been under so much stress. I mean, at that same time, I nearly went bankrupt, I nearly lost my house. It was really, really ugly. Everyone was in trouble.


Andre Coakley  5:58  

Yeah, it's funny, because when I was going through it, I had to determine was I going to keep my house? Or was I going to keep my business and it was a very hard decision? And I said You know what, I'm gonna try to do everything I can to keep my business. That's the same office that you came visit me at. I've been here for 13 years now. So it's most definitely been a journey, you know, hanging on, you know, kind of putting my personal life on the back burner to put my entrepreneur life on the forefront. 


Daniel Rosen  6:25  

Wow. Now, how did you transition into full-time credit repair? How did you make that leap? 


Andre Coakley  6:32  

One of the things that kind of helped me out during that transition while I was originating credit 360, I hope also opened up a nonprofit organization, called Community Works Coalition, and the mission of that nonprofit, was to teach financial literacy, I'm during the time of the recession, everything I knew was financial. However, after the recession, nobody wants to talk about finances. And truth be told, oh, Obama was coming into office. And we were told that you know, all these grassroots nonprofit organizations were gonna be able to get funding to help revitalize and stimulate the economy. It never took place. Unfortunately, however, it just winds up being I guess that that liaison into credit repair, and what I didn't really what I wanted that realizing is, when we're doing the nonprofit efforts and work, it really actually gave me credibility in the actual space with mayor's commission commissioners, people of influence from a governmental standpoint. And that also really helped the credit repair business, looking in hindsight now, because of a lot of those individuals kind of signed off or vouch for our services, because of the in-kind work we're doing in our community.


Daniel Rosen  7:42  

Wow. Yeah, it was, there was a lot of talks that it was going to be repaired quickly. And I remember that was like five or six, really, really slow, scary years. Yes. You were already out there speaking. I know, you speak in churches and schools and prisons. And you're all every week, you're speaking somewhere, right?


Andre Coakley  8:03  

Yes. And that's mainly because nonprofit credit repair, unfortunately, has a stigma on it, and with some individuals that it can be a sheisty or shady business. So you know, one of the aspects I wanted to do is how can I actually make myself as credible as possible, and of course, to give work to someone to give your efforts and your time to someone and not ask for anything in return? Really, really kind of really just laid the groundwork for credit 360 today, and you know, I'm very appreciative of that.


Daniel Rosen  8:31  

He makes a lot of sense. I mean, that's something I'm always preaching is that you know, so many people get into credit repair, just trying to make money and making that their goal. But you actually go out and you give value, and you really help people and, and you go and speak and you teach people how they can repair their own credit, correct.


Andre Coakley  8:53  

Of course, it's everything is not going to be for financial gain. Even with the credit repair, you know, a community I help, you know, startup companies don't ask for anything in return. However, I do get things in return, when I really look at it. My book has only been out for 30 days, we sold 400 units in 30 days. And a lot of those people who bought my books were the people who I gave in-kind value to at one point, not knowing how that retribution was going to come back. But it did come back, you understand. And I'm a firm believer of that, you know, you just give to the community give back to the earth and the earth finds a way to give back to you somehow someway.


Daniel Rosen  9:29  

Absolutely. It all comes back around. If you make your goal about really helping people and changing lives. That's when the real rewards start to come your way.


Andre Coakley  9:39  

Right? And the story is when you guys called me a few years ago to let me know that I was a recipient of the Millionaire's club award. Um, I didn't even realize I made a million dollars with your software to be honest with you, Gabi my judges, um, I hung up that phone I called my accountant immediately. I'm like, you know, let's let's do the math on this because you I didn't even realize I was so busy trying to change lives not really looking at the dollar signs. And when I realized I'm like, you know what these guys are spot on, I did make over a million dollars with their software. And during that time, we were transitioning into a Credit Repair Cloud, where we're using multiple softwares, we had, you know, realized, okay, this is the way that we want to go, but even realize that much money was generated. It was quite rewarding.


Daniel Rosen  10:23  

Yeah, and it was, it was an interesting thing. We didn't set out to have those awards, we were just looking for ways to inspire people. We knew our first Credit Repair Expo was coming up. And suddenly, we thought, who are we going to have speak and I went Keenan, who's doing really well. And we started look, and that's when we found you were making over a million dollars and, and Derek Harper and so many other people, and that's when we came up with the idea of the ward because we thought, wow, this could really, really inspire people.


Andre Coakley  10:55  

So it was very inspiring, to be honest with you, um, I never knew I was a speaker, or motivational speaker, um, until you know, I was able to be on your platform. And that platform is opened me up, to be honest with you to be able to travel the world speaking something, I never, never, never would have thought. I don't even think of myself as an eloquent speaker. However, when the crowd and the participants receive the message, and they feel value out of it, sometimes you have to, you know, I got to take my personal views on myself out of the throw that out the window and look at, hey, I can give value, and how can I give back to the individuals who need my help and need my assistance?


Daniel Rosen  11:36  

Well, you're really, really good speaker. In fact, I'm hope, I hope you're going to come and speak in the next Credit Repair Expo.


Andre Coakley  11:42  

Of course, if this is the invite, of course, I will be there!


Daniel Rosen  11:45  

This is the invite, it's the official invite. The people listening this show, they're all across the board. And many of them have credit repair businesses, they want to grow them to the next level. And then there's an awful lot of people listening, who dream of starting a credit repair business, but they just don't know how to start, what advice do you have for those people who don't even know how to start. 


Andre Coakley  12:09  

The best thing to do is start. Unfortunately, this is a business of action. And a lot of times with a lot of the startups who I mentor, there's don't we do so much pregame prep, that we're scared to even play the game when it's time to actually get out there on the field and get started. And I like to tell individuals who are in the credit space, you're not like a credit repair specialist, you're a credit repair physician, you are a counselor, you're a mentor, you're a psychiatrist, like there is no two patients are going to be identical. So it's your job to kind of triage those individuals kind of figure out exactly where they're trying to go, where their scope is, and how you can get them there. A lot of times, I think a lot of startups, they think that everything is based off of getting deletions and removals off credit report. That's only one aspect of the relationship. You know, it's just like saying, you know, the physical side of relationships, right, which most men want to please women physically, that's only one aspect of the relationship. However, that woman wants more communication, more relationship than just the physical side of it. And the same thing happens with our customers a lot of times is we're so busy trying to get the deletions, that we're not trying to uphold and actually value the relationship, which the relationship can be controlled. However, the deletions cannot be controlled. I have clients who give me substantial information saying, Hey, you know what, this information that's on their credit report is not theirs, I send it off to the credit bureaus, the credit bureaus still don't remove the information off the credit report. So it's not controllable. However, there are aspects of the dynamics of the relationships that's controllable, and I would tell you, most startup companies, you know, value the relationship more than astral, actual aspects of deletions. If that makes sense. 


Daniel Rosen  13:53  

That makes a lot of sense. And the financial literacy plays an awful large part. I mean, so many people don't even know how important it is to pay their bills on time. And there's that whole, that's a whole nother show in itself. But it's amazing. That's why I'm so glad you're going out and speaking on financial literacy, because they don't teach in the schools. We all have to learn it by trial and error. And it makes such an impact on our scores. I mean, it's definitely, how often is it that you start on a client and you see, they don't know how to handle their bills? And how do you help that person? 


Andre Coakley  14:32  

Exactly. And a lot of that is one of the reasons why we started what you see here got street credit, which is, you know, our movement where we go out in the streets, and we teach them about credit. Just a few months ago, I went to our local elementary school here, and we're talking to third and fourth graders about the importance of credit, what's the highest credit score, what's the lowest credit score, what's good debt, what's bad debt, how can interest be positive, how can interest be negative, and these are just the aspects that you know, regardless of the walk of life, you plan to take, you have to have somewhere at all financial leaders. And it's just the gap that's being not being filled by boards of education. That's not, that's not their focus, which is understandable. However, we still have to find ways, you know, to, you know, put financial literacy in front of those individuals who are most at risk with making poor financial decisions. 


Daniel Rosen  15:24  

Wow, so awesome. So awesome that you do this. Now, I want to get back to the beginning of when you went full time into credit repair and launch credit 360. How scary was that? I mean, you had a home you had your building there where your business is, how frightening was that to just start over?


Andre Coakley  15:42  

Um, it was, it was very frightening. I'm especially looking at the simple fact that it's credit repair. And I was scared to tell people I did credit repair, especially coming from a mortgage broker. Because most of the stories I've heard about credit repair agents, or specialists or individuals were normally horror stories, not stories of success. So you know, that was one of the things I was always very, very scared of, is just making sure that I wasn't putting myself in a position to be able to be called a scam, to be able to say, okay, you took advantage of someone. And that was probably the most scariest part about it. Because even some of my own family members, friends and men, you know, friends, they're like credit repair, you know, aren't those people robbed people every month? And it's like, ah, and here it is. So you have to kind of get over that hurdle. But you know, through time and due diligence, and you know, showing people the correct way of repairing credit, you know, you can get over those hurdles, and anybody can get over those hurdles.


Daniel Rosen  16:40  

Wow, how long was it before you were able to make a living at the credit repair at the very start?


Andre Coakley  16:47  

It's funny how I felt like the biggest fraud and credit repair and most probably entrepreneurs will probably feel this way. Because entrepreneurship means you're probably teeter-tottering between two professions, one that's paying you, and one that you hope is paying, I had three jobs at the time, and I was embarrassed, I was financially broke. So I own the credit repair company, I used to leave my credit repair company at 330. Because I had another job that I had to start at four o'clock. Now, that was the most embarrassing thing to tell my staff and my employees that, hey, I'm your boss, but I got to leave you as your boss to go work for somebody else, as an employee, counterproductive and counterintuitive, and that standpoint. And that was probably one of the biggest hurdles that I had to deal with just leaving my company to go help build somebody else's brand. However, I'm looking back, I needed that, you know, I needed those resources from that, that nine to five, or that solid income, to be able to help produce what credit 360 is today. And during that time, I was making enough money in that particular job to help float what I was lacking in credit 360. All right, so it wasn't even like that I have an option. It wasn't by choice. It was by circumstance that you know, I had to kind of flow through jobs, and I was a bouncer at a strip club. Oh, wow. Now, do I want to ever put my hands on anybody by any means, right? That's not me. I don't want to fight, right. However, I would have to cut. That's what pays the bills. And that's what helped me cut the check at that particular time. But it was, it's a part of my life. I'm not too excited about. However, I'm thankful of the journey because it for mentored me in to who I am today.


Daniel Rosen  18:28  

Absolutely. As an entrepreneur, you got to just keep pushing forward, like you said, you got to just do it. And you're just walking through the fire. And you've got to the other side, how soon after the launch, I'm initially was just you doing the credit repair, how long before...?


Andre Coakley  18:47  

I had two employees. Trevor, who was like, he's my VP, but he was doing processing, doing VP work, doing everything, you know, pretty much filling in the gaps when I was leaving the office. And then I had Eb she was doing processing. However, you know, it's getting and it was kind of scary, because I didn't even feel I knew I was doing at that particular time. So to try to train someone on something you're not too sure about. And they're asking you questions and you're like, ah, I really don't know. It's kind of hard. And keep in mind, you know, there's no such thing as just reading the manual and understanding credit repair. So I tell you know, you are a physician, you are a doctor, the only way you become a great doctor, is you got to have patience, right? You can't just finish I can't finish medical school today and say, Okay, I got this four-year medical degree. However, I've never had a patient you're still not a doctor yet. You just have the qualifications and certification to be a doctor. However, when we look at some of these doctors who are in third-world countries have no study skills of formal medicine. However, they know the body better than some doctors who have formal education because they've seen more patients, right. So the whole idea is to get in front of individuals learn some of the mistakes that you know they're making on the forefront from a credit standpoint, and be able to diagnose that and translate that into how you can kind of revert that client into having some type of financial literacy skill.


Daniel Rosen  20:10  

Absolutely. But wow, I'm really impressed that you started with a team. That almost never happens. I know with the mentoring, you're doing most people that start out their one man band, right?


Andre Coakley  20:22  

Correct. Most definitely.


Daniel Rosen  20:23  

And, and starting to hire and develop a team that generally comes much later, that's when you start to grow faster. But that's really scary for someone just starting?


Andre Coakley  20:34  

Well, you know, because I have the mortgage backing. And you know, these individuals worked with me on the mortgage side. So there's already that trust factor, they already kind of, you know, knew what my vision was with any brand that I was putting forth. So, and normal cases, they probably wouldn't have followed me, right, they wouldn't have walked off the cliff with me. However, because of prior experience, because they've worked with me in the past, they were a little bit more receptive to kind of listening to what I say, and a little bit more temperament, if I may say, to possibly deal with some of the foolishness that I was putting front in front of them as a business owner and a boss, who didn't know what the hell he was doing. 


Daniel Rosen  21:11  

Wow, how big a team do you have today?


Andre Coakley  21:13  

  1. We're 11 man staff.


Daniel Rosen  21:16  

Wow. When we came to do that video in your office, and bring you your award and shoot that we had the camera crew, and Keenan I flew out. I was really impressed with how just quiet and Zen-like and relaxing it was in your office. It was amazing. Your team, they are incredible. Everyone was so nice. And you're very Zen-like yourself. So clearly it trickles down from the top. But it really caught me off guard. I just remember sitting there in the middle of your office cross-legged on the floor, thinking wow, I could like take a nap here. It's like a yoga studio. It was so relaxed. 


Andre Coakley  21:54  

Yeah, I think about that all the time, we have a picture of you sitting on the on my carpet, like you know, like, of all places, I don't want Daniel Rosen sitting on the carpet in my office like, you know, he can sit anywhere he wants to sit but not on the carpet. But however you know, but that just shows how much of you know people person you are you understand, you know, you don't hide behind the mask, you don't hide behind the shield, you're authentic as they come in just to see you sitting on my carpet. I'm like, it's a blessing in the curse all in the same breath. Because we want someone who they look up to signal on their carpet, right?


Daniel Rosen  22:28  

I was just happy to take it all in. I mean, I just, I'm obsessed with, you know, our team here we've built very, very quickly, we've got over 50 here. And it's really that's the biggest challenge for me is learning how to build a team, how to motivate a team, how to... Keenan, I go off to these conferences, where we're trying to learn more and more about it. That's it, you get to this point, as you know, it's all about building that team and keeping everyone motivated. And...


Andre Coakley  23:01  

Most definitely not an easy task, keeping individuals motivated, keeping yourself motivated. Keep in mind, you know, I don't wake up every day motivated myself. However, I can't bring on that character when I walk step into the workplace, because I think they I can't have my employees or someone who works with the brand saying, you know what, I'm just not in the mood today. Because most definitely, that's going to resonate into customer service, customer experience. So we most definitely want to value energy. And you know, I tell you know, I talk to my team a lot about energy, energy is a commodity. And a lot of times we don't really, you know, value energy and how someone can come in just with one conversation, destroy your energy for the day. All right. So most definitely, you know, keeping energy, positive energy positive vibes, keeping team members from not killing each other, you know, you know how that goes. It's work. So don't get me wrong. It's not always gonna be peaches and cream, we do run into, you know, situations. However, you know, everything's a learning experience, not only from their aspect, but even from my aspect. A lot of times, I have to tell my team, Hey, you know what, I'm sorry, I'm a boss. I've never been in this space before. Let me figure this out. Let me give me some time. I don't know how to give you the answer. And sometimes that's hard because you're looked at or you hire them to give them the answer. And when you don't have the answer, sometimes you can kind of you can feel a little bit jaded because of that.


Daniel Rosen  24:20  

Yeah, I face the same thing here. I mean, every day is a new challenge. And we've, that we've never faced before. And there are those times where you don't know the answer. And you have to go and study. Thankfully, there's mentorship programs. I know we're in mentorship programs. I'm sure you've been in them. 


Andre Coakley  24:39  

Most definitely. 


Daniel Rosen  24:40  

Yeah. And now you are a mentor.


Andre Coakley  24:42  

Yes. Thanks to you guys. You know, again, you know, it's the unveiling of the Millionaires Club award kinda allowed me to see a different aspect of myself that I probably didn't even that I don't see in myself. And I had individuals saying, Hey, you know what, I like what you said about that. Can you give me more information, where Hey, you know, I got this question, can you help me out? And you know, here we are, you know, I put together the 7-Figure Start-up Academy. And none of this probably would have been in place, if I never probably received that Millionaires Club award. So I just say to say how certain things can give you self confidence, right? You know, it gave me the confidence to say, Hey, you know what, you can do this. Here it is Credit Repair Cloud, they're looking at my business on the back end. And I had no idea you guys were looking at me, you give me a call one day say, Hey, you know, what? Can you help our platform? Can you actually speak at the Expo? Want to give you this award? And what I've thought in a million years, you know, three years ago, four years ago, when you told me I was going to be an author, I would tell you, no, but I'd be a recipient of an award saying that, you know, I revenue $2 million in anything, I probably would have said no. But looking back, these are the things that give you confidence, build their confidence builders. And you know, without these aspects, or these steps in life, I probably wouldn't be where I am today, and I wouldn't have a mentoring program.


Daniel Rosen  26:01  

Absolutely. And you know, what's interesting, as entrepreneurs, we're probably the hardest on ourselves, aren't we?


Andre Coakley  26:08  

We are, every day and I see it every day when I talk to startups. I'm like you're giving me the answer. The problem is, is we just normally don't want to take action on the answer that we already know. And sometimes you just need somebody to confirm it. Like, you know, you hear all this information, but you need someone who you respect to say, you know what, no, that is the correct information, go ahead and move forward with it. It's okay. You're gonna bust your ass a few times. But it's okay. There's nothing that hydroperoxide won't hit won't heal.


Daniel Rosen  26:36  

Now, as you're mentoring people, what are some of the common challenges that you hear about that you help them with?


Andre Coakley  26:43  

A lot of the common challenges, as we said, is not just really getting started. Number one, that's normally the most difficult thing, you know, where do I start? How do I start, and most startups are scared to necessarily work in is, and I love what your platform says, Take five to 10 people who already know and make that your first network of building your brand. And I'm a firm believer of that, because most startups want to skip that layer. We normally don't want to work with the people who already know like and trust, because we're embarrassed to make a mistake in front of someone who we already know. However, theoretically, with a business model, if we make a mistake in front of someone who we already know, that person is not going to most likely go to the Better Business Bureau on you, they're not going to go to the State Attorney's Office on you, they're not going to go to their Commissioner on you tell you, you know, you're having a list of practices. However, most companies do the direct opposite, we skip that inner core. And when you go, we want to actually go out and market to Joe Schmo client. And the problem with Joe Schmoe’s client is number one is we make a mistake with our brand. He's trying to blow our head off. He's trying to go to the State Attorney's office, he has no remorse for us being brand new in the business. All right. And then what happens is now you get this pushback very early in the game, now you lose that same self-confidence, I was telling talking about earlier. Right? Oh, I had a client, oh, he's pissed off with my services. Therefore, I'm not going to pick up any other clients. Theoretically, you should be learning from that experience, patching that hole in your boat, and actually still moving forward with your business model?


Daniel Rosen  28:11  

Absolutely. It's so easy to just start by practicing with friends and family.


Andre Coakley  28:18  

So easy, but it's the hardest for the entrepreneur because nobody wants to look like a jerk, or look incompetent. In front of the people who are already like in trust you. Now you're losing that trust factor. However, it's actual, the direct opposite, you should really be actually marketing those individuals first market, those individuals first, actually format 10 into being influences for your brand. All right. Once the influences in your brand, you get reviews, testimonies, all the good stuff you guys talk about, like I'm a firm believer of how you guys actually say you should scale up your business. So I like to hear that. Because sometimes when you hear like software brands, and then you hear the coach and the coach or the mentor, they normally a class, and they're normally going in totally different directions. However, I most definitely feel that you know, you should be working with that inner core first if I can give startups any, any startup in it from the information. 


Daniel Rosen  29:12  

Absolutely. It's the only way to really bootstrap to really build something from nothing. It's like swinging from one vine to another. You can't skip vines.


Andre Coakley  29:23  

Can't skip vines.


Daniel Rosen  29:24  

Yeah. And it's bootstrapping is about using whatever resources are right in front of you. And sure the people closest to you. They're the ones who probably need your help the most.


Andre Coakley  29:37  

Exactly. And those are the easiest people to market to because you can market to them on social media, Mr. Joe Schmoe client to find him. Number one, you probably have to pay for some marketing ad or something from lead generation to get him in. Even when he gets into your cycle or gets into your funnel gets to your website. If you don't have reviews or testimonials to make sure he's gonna get a quantified experience. Therefore he's still paying this marketing Professional to get this lead to you. The lead actually jumped in the boat, however, he jumped out the boat, which was still a waste of your resources. 


Daniel Rosen  30:07  

Absolutely. Hey, so, in your mentoring program, What kinds of things do you cover? Everything?


Andre Coakley  30:15  

Everything we talked about, you know how to actually, you know, start-up. When we talk about disputing tactics, a lot of what we sometimes what we what I've been dealing with a lot is really just dealing with lead generation. And a lot of startups have a, they have issues, switching gears, going from the nine to five worker to all of a sudden the entrepreneur. So you know, being an entrepreneur, you got to put yourself out there, you have to be a little bit, you know, thirsty and desperate. Right? Sure, just totally opposite of that nine to five life. So a lot of times that psychological, you know, psychological backlash is normally not psychologically wanting to get out of that hurdle. And moving forward. Makes a lot of sense. What types of marketing do you do for credit 360. Actually, we were using we were doing Google Ads at one point, as we know, that's no longer possible, because they walked away from the industry, but we do a lot of organic stuff. A lot of dealing with also on the pay per click was a very good method. However, we're trying to switch things up now. You know, Google has changed up the platform with credit repair. And so now we're just trying to figure things out ourselves. But organic is always going to be the way to go.


Daniel Rosen  31:31  

Absolutely. Are you doing drip campaigns and things like that?


Andre Coakley  31:35  

Yes, most definitely, we're doing drip campaigns. So we're doing anything we can to do our lead generation to get them into that campaign to funnel them for the rest of their life. Right? Subscribe button. 


Daniel Rosen  31:45  

And I know that whenever you go do these speaking engagements, you come back with a ton of leads. 


Andre Coakley  31:51  

Most definitely, that's the whole idea. And that's the reason why you give value to get that comfort level, with the individual who's in front of you, therefore, you possibly give so much value to the point they're like, you know what, you've given me so much value, I would rather you do it, then I do it myself.


Daniel Rosen  32:07  

Really, really, really cool. So for everyone listening, how can they get your book? How can they learn more about your mentoring opportunities?


Andre Coakley  32:19  

Well, you can find my book on my website at, that's an n d r e c o a k l e y .com, you can purchase the book right there, there're links to Amazon, you can actually grab the book off Amazon, we can get a self-signed copybook by me, you can find all the information on that website. And also with my mentoring program, you can find that information at, that's my 7 , the number 7 figures with a s .com. And that's pretty much the mentoring platform where I talk about, you know what I can help you do to help scale up your business. And if you're looking to actually grow and get your business to the next level, feel free to reach out. I do have a program that's a little bit unique than other mentoring programs. I have the on the job training where an individual can come to my office for two days, and actually sit in the office and help to grow their business and actually kind of smell, taste, and touch a credit repair company. A lot of times when you get coaching and mentoring, the coach or mentor will tell you everything that you need to do. However, they'll never let you into their house. All right. In this case, we want to do the direct opposite. I want to invite you in, I want you to meet the team. See how you can actually scale your business up based on how I have my individual components and built out my brand.


Daniel Rosen  33:39  

Wow, that is so awesome. I love that. So those of you out there listening, I highly recommend you pick up Andre's book, get it on his site, we're going to put the links he just said down below. And I really appreciate you being here, Andre, I hope you're gonna do more. Next time, I want you to talk about customer service because you're the king of customer service. 


Andre Coakley  34:02  

I gladly will, I gladly will. 


Daniel Rosen  34:04  

And for all of you listening, if you're enjoying this podcast, and you want to hear more, here's what I want you to do, I want you to click down below to subscribe. And thank you again for being here, Andre, and all of you listening. Thanks for being here. We'll see you on the next show. And until then, keep changing lives!

Andre Coakley  34:24  

Thank you. I appreciate it. 

Daniel Rosen  34:25  

Want a fast track to creating an amazing business that helps people, changes lives, and makes you a great living in the process? Then I'd like to invite you to my free online training at In this free training, you will learn how to get clients willing to pay you even if you're just starting out how to get easy credit repair results without being an expert, and how to get all the clients you'll ever need without paying for advertising. Again, this training is absolutely free. Just visit

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