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How to Solve Your Biggest Problem in Business!

By: Daniel Rosen Last updated: April 24, 2024

“What is one thing you are struggling with in your business?”

That question was asked in our Facebook community, and it got a lot of responses, so, on this week’s Podcast, I walk through solutions to some of the most common struggles you might face with your Credit Repair business!



No matter what the topic is, whether it’s specific to Credit Repair or general entrepreneurship, I love answering questions! 

And not too long ago, a question was posted in our community that got a lot of responses and follow-ups. Chelsea Renee Snatiz wrote: “As Credit Repair Specialist what is 1 thing you are struggling with in your business?”

And today, I’m going to walk through solutions to some of the most talked about struggles.  

The first comment came from Jade, who said she struggled with “Dedicating time for self; turning off work mode or having everything feel like a task/job. Mom of 3 including a one-year-old with an office in the house.”

Now, I can’t speak to being a mom or how to handle balancing your business with your children. I don’t have any kids.  I just have a girlfriend and a dog.  

I will say I was glad to see other Credit Heroes, who do have kids, offering their support and insight into that part. 

But regarding “time for yourself and turning off work mode,” THAT I can relate. I can tell you this struggle is universal for entrepreneurs. We all face it to a degree. 

Finding a work-life balance is hard enough when you have a 9 to 5 job but when you’re an entrepreneur, and you work from home, it’s even harder. 

I did an episode a few months ago that focused on The Truth About Working From Home

and the hardest downside to deal with is that you can feel like you’re ALWAYS at work.

I recommend you choose a specific time or a specific place in your home that you can dedicate to work. Maybe you convert a closet, a shed, or your garage into a workspace. Maybe you establish a specific time of day or night when someone else can watch the kids and then dedicate it to your business.

The important thing is to create a work area where you can go into business mode, and more importantly, when you’re done with work, leave from that area and no longer be in business mode. 

If the balance is really off, take it a step further and shut off your devices and mute notifications when you’re not working. Don’t allow yourself to eat at your desk. Be disciplined. Especially if your time is limited, make your dedicated workspace a NOTHING BUT WORK space. That way, the only thing you have to do to shut off work mode is walk away from it.

I hope this helped Jade. 

The next struggle came from Chelsea. She said…Mine is time management and with a consultation. I'm constantly always going over 30 min consult.”

When it comes to a consultation, there are many little things that can help your process. First, you can schedule clients with a program like Calendly, where you can set the specific parameters for the meeting before it begins, and It helps establish boundaries. 

You can ask clients to fill out answers to basic questions beforehand (either online or in person (if you have a brick-and-mortar business), that way, you can prep the clients and review answers quickly when the meeting begins. 

During the meeting itself, you can set up a silent timer to go off at around the 25-minute mark to tip you off and begin your wrap-up sales pitch. 

 You should also have some type of script prepared for the meeting. A basic introduction, key questions that need to be answered, and closing remarks that lock them in as a client or let them know you’ll get back to them soon. Remember, these meetings are two-way interviews where you need to decide if you want this person as a client. 

In regards to basic time management, making schedules and To-Do Lists are very effective.

Write up a DAILY To Do List and a DAILY Schedule. Break your schedule down by the hour or by half hour. You’ll be amazed what you can get done and how organized you’ll be when you strategize your time.

Once you write your DAILY To Do List and Schedule, write the rest of your week. Then write a general To Do List for the rest of the month. These time management techniques assist you in goal setting, holding yourself accountable, AND goal accomplishment. 

And I don’t know about you, but each time I check off something on my To Do List, I get happy. 

Psychologists say it’s a way you can naturally release dopamine in your brain. I don’t know if that’s true, but it sure does feel good. 

One tool some of my team members use to stay focused and organize their day is the Pomodoro Technique. The Pomodoro Technique is a fancy name for a time management system that encourages people to break the workday into 30-minute chunks. 

The idea is to choose a task, focus on that task, work at it for 25 minutes straight, which is supposedly the optimal amount of time people focus, then change your focus for a 5-minute break. It doesn’t matter what you focus on during those 5 minutes. It just has to be a different thing.

Now, this may not work for everyone, but it works for some people who really need to police themselves or have time management issues. There are already several apps available online that provide Pomodoro Technique timers so you can break your day into these 30-minute chunks. 

If any of you have additional Time Management techniques or tricks, drop yours in the comments below!

And along the same lines of the time management issue, Shauntai said she struggles Being consistent with doing my content videos.”

Well, Shauntai, I would recommend building a content schedule. I have several. I have them for social media and podcasts, and ads. It helps me stay organized about what I want to say and when I want to say it. 

If there’s an issue with you not having a lot of free time to post every day, try organizing the time you do have into content creation, then schedule the content throughout the week. For example, maybe you have 5 hours of free time on Sundays make that your content creation block where you shoot several videos, and then schedule them to drop throughout the week. 

Then as the week progresses, you can jot down new ideas throughout, and on Sunday, shoot the next batch of videos and schedule them. 

If your style of posting isn’t evergreen (meaning you need to post them fresh daily), then you need to block out a small section of your day for content brainstorming and content creation. Don’t overlook the time factor here. Content creation is hard work. The only people who think it’s easy don’t do it. Trust me. 

You need to make content creation a priority and a habit, just like the development of any other skill. 

I hope this helps you Shauntai!

Next up, Collin said he struggled with finding “The best company to process my merchant account.”

Well, Collin, in my Free Guide to Getting Paid at Credit Repair, I explain which merchant account providers and processors to use.

Now, we had a few people mention they struggled “Removing Late Payments” and “Removing a bankruptcy.” 

If your situation goes beyond the Factual Disputing process, we recently rereleased Bruce Politano’s Top Seven Secret Disputing Strategies, and that episode includes both Removing Late Payments and Removing Bankruptcies. 

So I recommend checking that episode out if you want to learn how to remove both. 

The last and most commonly mentioned struggles were “Getting Clients” and “Getting Leads.” 

Some commenters went into detail about how they knew what their problem was. A few hated public speaking, and one person said they needed to clean up their personal social media pages to present themselves in a better light to potential clients. 

I have to say, as hard as it is to overcome problems like public speaking and updating your image if you know exactly what you need to improve, that’s a fantastic position to be in! 

You know the problem, and you can work to solve it!

Businesses really struggle when they don’t know what you’re doing wrong or won’t admit that what they’re doing isn’t working. 

When it comes to public speaking, the only cure is to public speak. You have to practice and get better or partner with someone who will be the voice and face of your company. Those are pretty much your only options. 

 The shyness and stage fright might never go away, but you can grow more comfortable with those feelings. Believe me. I’m still dealing with them. 

When it comes to cleaning up your personal social media profiles, it’s on a case-by-case basis. You always want to appear professional and trustworthy, but beyond that, you still want to be yourself. Otherwise, you won’t appear authentic. 

I would actually recommend that everyone struggling with leads should create a business plan, and it should include a customer profile. Figure out who you’re trying to target. 

When you have a good sense of the people you’re trying to speak to, you will know how you should present yourself. 

For example, if you’re trying to target Vegans, you probably shouldn’t mention you make a delicious Three Meat Chili. 

So, study your target and use your best judgment. 

If you’re struggling with finding clients and getting leads but don’t know your specific issue, I have good news and bad news. 

The bad news is: Entrepreneurship is a game of finding clients and getting leads. This problem isn’t going away. You need to determine what you’re doing wrong in order to overcome the struggles.

The good news is: Credit Repair sells itself. 

Customers are looking for you!

You aren’t trying to convince anyone to buy a hotdog or a pair of blue jeans.

You are providing a necessary service. It just happens to be a financial one. 

When you choose a doctor or a mechanic, you want them to be competent, compassionate, and close to you.  

Whether you pound the pavement, use social media, or leverage your social groups, just make sure your potential clients know you are there to help them heal financially and achieve their dreams.

I’ll end by saying…

If you don’t already have a Credit Repair Cloud account, check it out. It’s the software that most Credit Repair businesses in America run on. Just sign up for a 30-Day Free Trial at

And If you’d like me to hold you by the hand as you launch your own credit repair business, check out our Credit Hero Challenge!


It’s an amazing program where you’ll learn the processes that have made millionaires, and it costs less than you'll spend taking your family to McDonald’s for dinner.

We’ve got another challenge starting in a few days, so grab your spot right now at!

Until then, remember, keep the facts on your side…

And keep changing lives!

Be sure to subscribe on your favorite platform below!

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Topics: Podcast


Hey, credit heroes. What is one thing you're struggling with in your business? Well, that question was asked in our Facebook community and got a whole lot of responses. So today I'm going to walk through solutions to some of the most common struggles that you might face with your credit repair business, so you better stick around. So the big question is this, how can we take our passion for helping people with their credit and turn it into a successful business without taking loans without spending a fortune by bootstrapping it from nothing? So we can help the most people and still become highly profitable? That is the question, and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Daniel Rosen, and welcome toCredit Repair Business Secrets. Okay, if this is your first time listening to my podcast every week, I cover industry news, financial tips, and entrepreneurial advice for bootstrapping your business from nothing. This show is the best how to guide for business owners and there is no other podcast like it. So be sure to click that subscribe button now and get ready to start changing lives. Okay, so no matter what the topic is, whether it's specific to credit repair or general entrepreneurship, I love answering questions. And a few days ago, a question was posted in our community that got a whole lot of responses and follow ups Chelsea wrote, as a credit repair specialist, what is one thing you're struggling with in your business, and today I'm going to walk through solutions to some of the most talked about struggles. But before we get started, this podcast is brought to you by credit hero score. Credit hero score is the only credit monitoring service that integrates directly with credit repair cloud, get instant access to your credit reports and scores by signing up for a seven day trial for only $1. Sign up right now at credit hero Okay, let's get into this. The first comment came from Jade, who said she struggled with dedicating time for self turning off work mode, or having everything feel like a task or job mom of three, including a one year old with an office in the house. Now Jade, I can't speak to being a mom, or how to handle Balancing Your Business with kids. I don't have any kids. I just have a girlfriend and a dog. But I will say I was glad to see other credit heroes who do have kids gave their support and insight into that park. But regarding time for yourself and turning off work mode that I can relate to. And I can tell you, the struggle is universal for entrepreneurs, we all face it to some degree. Finding a work life balance is hard enough when you have a nine to five job. But when you are an entrepreneur and you'll work from home hits way harder. I did an episode a few months ago that focused on the truth about working from home. And the hardest downside to deal with is that you always feel like you're at work. So I recommend that you choose a specific time or a specific place in your home that you can dedicate to work. Maybe you convert a closet or a shed or your garage into a workspace. And maybe you establish a time of day a specific time of day, or a specific time of night when someone else can watch the kids. And then you can dedicate that time to your business. The most important thing to create is a work area where you can when you go there you go into business mode. And more importantly, when you are done with work, then you can leave that area and then you'll no longer be in business mode.

Does that make sense? That's what I do. Now if the balance is really off, then take it a step further and shut off your devices and mute notifications when you're not working. I do this with all my devices I put them on Do Not Disturb after 7pm Maybe don't allow yourself to eat at your desk, be disciplined, especially if your time is limited. Make your dedicated workspace a nothing but workspace that way the only thing you have to do to shut off work mode is walk away from it. I hope this helped Jade. Okay, the next struggle came from Chelsea who said mine is time management and with a consultation. I'm constantly always going over 30 minute consult. Well when it comes to consultation, there are many little things that can help your process. First, you can schedule clients with a programme like Calendly where you can set specific parameters for the meeting before it begins and that helps to establish boundaries. And you can also ask clients to fill out answers to basic questions beforehand, either online or in person. And that way you can prep the clients and review answers quickly when the meeting begins. And then during the meeting itself, you can set up a silent timer to go off around the 25 minute mark to tip you off to begin your wrap up in sales pitch. You should also have some type of script prepared for the meeting, a basic introduction, key questions that need to be answered and closing remarks that lock them in as a client or let them know that you'll get back to them soon. Remember, these meetings are two way interviews where you need to decide if you want this person as a client. In regards to basic time management, making schedules and to do lists are very effective. Write up a daily to do list and a daily schedule and break your schedule down by the hour or by the half hour. And you'll be amazed at what you can get done and how organised you'll be when you strategize your time. Once you write your daily to do list and your schedule, write the rest of your week, then write a general to do list for the rest of the month. And these time management techniques will assist you in goal setting, holding yourself accountable, and goal accomplishment. And I don't know about you, but each time I check off something on my to do list, I get really happy. And psychologists say it's a way that you can naturally release dopamine in your brain. Now I don't know if that's true, but it sure does feel good. One tool that some of my team members use to stay focused and organise their day is the Pomodoro Technique name for the big Pomodoro. Tomato, the you know that they make those timers, the Pomodoro Technique is a fancy name for a time management system that encourages people to break their workday into 30 minute chunks. The idea is to choose a task and focus on just that task for 25 minutes straight, which is supposedly the optimal amount of time that people can focus, then change your focus for a five minute break. And it doesn't matter what you focus on during those five minutes, it just needs to be a different thing. Now this may not work for everyone, but it works for some people who really need to police themselves or have time management issues. And there are several apps available online that have the Pomodoro Technique timers so that you can break your day into 30 minute chunks. If any of you have additional time management techniques or tricks, drop them down in the comments below, I would love to see them. And along the same lines of the time management issue, Shawn Ty said that she struggles being consistent with doing my content videos, well Shante, I would recommend building out a content schedule. I have several I have them for social media and podcasts and ads. And they helped me to stay organised about what I want to say and when I want to say it. And if there's an issue with you not having a lot of free time to post everyday, try organising the time that you do have into content creation, and then schedule the content throughout the week. For example, maybe you have five hours of free time on Sundays. So make that your content creation block where you shoot several videos all at one time, and then schedule them to drop throughout the week. And then as the week progresses, you can jot down new ideas. And then on Sunday, shoot the next batch of videos and reschedule them. Now if your style of posting isn't evergreen, meaning you need to post them fresh daily, then just block out a small section of your day for content brainstorming and content creation. And don't overlook the time factor here. Content Creation is hard work. The only people who think it's easy are the ones that don't do it. Trust me, content creation is very important. So you need to make it a priority and a habit just like the development of any other skill.

I hope this helps you Shante and next up Colin said he struggled with finding the best company to process my merchant account. Well Colin in my free guide to getting paid at credit repair, I explain which merchant account providers and processors to use. And I'm going to drop a link in the show description so you can get that. Now we also had a few people mentioned that they struggled with removing late payments and removing a bankruptcy. I got something that's going to help you. We recently had an episode called Bruce politan owes top seven secret disputing strategies, and that episode includes both removing late pay payments and removing bankruptcies. So I recommend checking that episode out if you want to learn how to remove both of those, and a link is going to be over there in the show description. Now, the last and most commonly mentioned struggles, were getting clients and getting leads, some folks went into detail about how they knew what their problem was a few hated public speaking. And one person said they needed to clean up their personal social media pages to present themselves in a better light to potential customers. And I have to say, as hard as it is to overcome problems like public speaking and updating your image, if you know exactly what you need to improve, that's a fantastic position to be in, because you know the problem. And now you can work to solve it. Businesses really struggle when they don't know what they're doing wrong or or won't admit to what isn't working. And when it comes to public speaking, the only cure to public speaking, is to speak, you have to practice as much as you can to get better and or partner with someone who's going to be the voice and face of your company. Those are pretty much your only options. The shyness and stage fright might never go away. But you can grow more comfortable with those feelings, believe me, I'm still dealing with them. And when it comes to cleaning up your personal social media profiles, it's on a case by case basis, you want to always appear professional and trustworthy. But beyond that, you still want to be yourself. Otherwise, you won't appear authentic. So I would actually recommend for everyone struggling with leads to create a business plan. And it should include a customer profile, so that you can start to figure out who you're trying to target. And once you have a good sense of who you're trying to speak to, you'll know how you should present yourself. For example, if you're trying to target vegans, you probably shouldn't mention that you make a great hamburger. So study your target and use your best judgement. And if you're struggling with finding clients and getting leads, but you don't know your specific issue, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is entrepreneurship is a game of finding clients and getting leads. And this problem isn't going away. You need to determine what you're doing wrong in order to overcome the struggles. But the good news is credit repair sells itself and customers are looking for you. You aren't trying to convince anyone to buy a hot dog or a pair of blue jeans. No, you're providing a necessary service. And it just happens to be a financial one. When you choose a doctor or a mechanic. You want them to be competent, compassionate, and close to you. Whether you pound the pavement or use social media or leverage your social groups. Just make sure your potential clients know that you are there to help them to heal financially and to achieve their dreams. And just a reminder, this podcast is brought to you by credit hero score. Credit Bureau score is the only credit monitoring service that integrates directly with credit repair cloud get instant access to your credit reports and scores by signing up for a seven day trial for only $1. Sign up right now at credit hero

And now for my favourite part of the episode. Each week I feature one of our credit heroes inside our credit repair cloud Facebook community so that you can see firsthand what real people are doing as they launch and grow their business. And I've actually revealed today's spotlight, it's Chelsea Renee, Chelsea asked the initial question that inspired this episode. And I just want to say thank you, Chelsea, for your contributions to the community. I hope my suggestions for better ways to manage your time were helpful. And please keep us updated on your progress. And I'll end by saying if you don't already have a credit repair Cloud account, check it out. It's the software that most credit repair businesses in America run on. Just sign up for a 30 day free trial at credit repair trial. And if you'd like me to hold you by the hand as you launch your very own credit repair business, check out our credit hero challenge. It's a live experience that has helped tonnes of credit heroes to get their first clients to get certified in disputing and to gain confidence as they launch their credit repair business on a solid foundation so they can change a whole lot of lives and make a great living in the process. We're starting the next challenge very soon. So you want to join before the doors close or you're going to have a long wait until the next one. So sign up now at credit hero And if you find value in the things that I'm sharing in this podcast, be sure to click to subscribe and leave me your questions and your comments down below because I read each and every one of them. Be sure to visit my blog if you'd like to read the show notes and if you have question that you'd like me to answer, drop it down in the comment section, and I'll be sure to answer it during a later episode. Remember, every entrepreneur struggles at something, you can beat it, you aren't alone, never give up and keep changing lives want a fast track to creating an amazing business that helps people change his lives and makes you a great living in the process that I'd like to invite you to my free online training at credit repair In this free training, you will learn how to get clients willing to pay you even if you're just starting out how to get easy credit repair results without being an expert, and how to get all the clients you'll ever need without paying for advertising. Again, this training is absolutely free. Just visit

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