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The 6 BIGGEST Credit Repair Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

By: Daniel Rosen Last updated: April 30, 2024

Are you truly doing enough to repair your credit? 

The fact is that a lot of people make some big mistakes when repairing their credit. That’s why I’m sharing the Top 6 Credit Repair Mistakes (and how to avoid them).

Can you imagine living life without making a mistake? How amazing would that be? Well, I’d like to introduce you to someone who’s never made a mistake in their life… I’d LIKE TO, but I can’t!

The fact is that everyone makes mistakes. I’ve made a ton of mistakes. But you know what? Mistakes are important. They’re how you grow.  

But you don’t want to make a mistake that costs you valuable points on a credit score.


I see it all the time – well meaning credit heroes tending to their credit, doing all the right things. So they think. But their credit score doesn’t improve. Or they get ignored by the credit bureaus.


Credit bureaus want to ignore you. They want to dismiss you. They want to throw you off your goal of fixing your credit.

That’s because there is a lot of money to be made off your credit!

Don’t make it easy for them.


Mistakes are avoidable. You just need to be mindful of the most common ones and stay proactive to avoid them. 

So here are the Top 6 Credit repair mistakes that we see.

Number 6: Dispute Letter Mistakes

I can’t tell you enough how important your dispute letters are and should be. But too often, people send them without making sure they use clear language and state exactly what’s wrong, and exactly what they want. 

I also recommend that you dispute no more than 5 items at one time! More than 5 increases the chances that credit bureaus will flag the disputes as frivolous. And then you’re fighting that, too.

Don’t give them a reason to reject your letters and slow down the process! Make EVERY single one of your letters count!

Number 5:  Expecting Overnight Change

People often feel that once they start the credit repair process, they’ll see instant results to their credit score. Remember - credit repair is a process that can take months or even years. And that’s even if you’re doing everything right!

Credit repair is a marathon, not a sprint.

Number 4: Keeping Up Old Bad Financial Habits

Even after repairing their credit, a lot of people fall back into old bad financial habits.

You may go through the process, send in your dispute letters, even get things removed from your credit reports, but your score doesn’t go. A lot of times it’s because you’re still maxing out your credit cards or missing payments. The same things that got you into credit trouble in the first place.

Credit repair is not just about fixing the old, it’s about changing the new.
Pay those bills on time, keep balances low, and only apply for new credit when necessary.

Number 3: Ignoring Credit Utilization

Credit utilization is the ratio of your credit card balances to your credit limits, and it plays a significant role in your credit score.

It’s generally advised that you should keep your credit utilization below 30%. Things that negatively impact your credit utilization include making minimum payments on your credit cards and closing old credit card accounts.

But if you’re mindful of your credit utilization, you’ll aim to pay more of those balances off and keep those old accounts open, even if you don’t use them.

Number 2: Not Checking Credit Reports Regularly

Most people don’t check their credit reports regularly. You never know what you’re gonna find until you find it.

And when you find it, you can dispute it. But if you don’t check your credit reports, then you don’t know the mistakes are there.

I recommend that you check your credit report at least once a month to see if any creditors have been misreporting information, that there aren't any new accounts that you don’t recognize (which could mean identity theft), and that balances are all accurate. And if there are discrepancies, dispute, dispute, dispute.

And the Number 1 Credit repair mistake: Giving Up

Whatever you do, don’t give up! Credit repair takes time. Sometimes you don’t get the response you want from the credit bureaus or the furnishers. Sometimes they’ll send letters intentionally designed to discourage you. Or sometimes you don’t hear from them at all. 30 days can be a long time to wait when nothing is happening. But it’s important to remember that credit repair is all about pressure and persistence.

So keep challenging inaccuracies, keep paying down debts, and keep practicing good credit habits, even when progress seems slow.


Credit bureaus often stall and even reject more letters than ever before. The process can be slow, repetitive, and, in some cases, very discouraging.

They want you to get frustrated or forget about it. They’re trying to break your will. Don’t give them the satisfaction. Be persistent until they know you by name. 


If you still need a Credit Repair Cloud account, check it out. It's the software that most Credit Repair businesses in America run on. Sign up here for a Free Trial!

And if you'd like to improve your credit score and learn how to earn extra income repairing credit for others, check out our brand-new Start Repairing Credit Challenge! Doors are closing soon, and it’s completely FREE, so sign up right now at and keep changing lives!

So take care, Credit Hero!

And Keep Changing Lives!

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Daniel Rosen  0:00  

Hey, Credit Heroes want to know how to bootstrap a massive business from nothing? Well, today I'm joined by Paranda Davis, the CEO of Davis Future Planning, she has been with Credit Repair Cloud since the very beginning. And today, she's sharing her secrets about how she grew her hugely successful credit repair business from nothing. So you better stick around. So the big question is this, how can we take our passion for helping people with their credit, and turn it into a successful business without taking loans without spending a fortune by bootstrapping it from nothing? So we can help the most people and still become highly profitable? That is the question, and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Daniel Rosen, and welcome to credit repair business secrets. Our most successful Credit Heroes, are the ones who make a great living and make a massive impact. They all have one thing in common: they all care about changing lives. Purana Davis got started in credit repair because she simply wanted to help people. And now she runs a hugely successful business that's focused on educating her clients in very creative ways. She is also the author of the book How to Get an 800 Credit Score for Rookies, as well as other books. So please welcome to the podcast. Paranda Davis. Hey.


Paranda Davis  1:28  

Thank you for having me on your podcast. Oh, my God, it's such an amazing experience. I've been with you guys since day one. You guys have amazing software that I love, and it wasn't working for y'all. I would not be where I'm at right now. I can honestly say, well,


Daniel Rosen  1:43  

likewise, the work for you, and you've been at your thing as long as me. It's amazing.


Paranda Davis  1:50  

I love it. I love it.


Daniel Rosen  1:52  

I was studying all about you today. I love your website. I love. I love how it says everyone in your household should have excellent credit. That's really cool. I want to know everything about you. You've got so much going on. But let's start with the basics. I want to know where you grew up. And where are you now


Paranda Davis  2:11  

I grew up in a small town called Norwich, North Carolina, population of 17 to 20,000. I was brought up and raised by my grandparents, and they did an amazing job with me. They taught me about farming, finances, banking, and everything. So I started at a very young age. As I grew up, you know, we made our mistakes, and we had children, families, and stuff. And I started seeing every I started to like realize, and it just hit me, I started realizing the benefits that my grandparents had taught me, everything was just right there when I was little. And it was just so amazing that I was able to use those C's to help raise my family as a single parent, most


Daniel Rosen  2:50  

people start to learn about credit repair because they have credit issues of their own. Did you have credit issues of your own


Paranda Davis  2:58  

the idea had credit issues on my own? That was around when I was like 25, I started making some mistakes and, you know, young and then I saw it, you know, I had my second child, it was just like, we're just complicated. It was just, I don't know, medical bills from, you know, having babies and things like that. But actually, honestly, I didn't start using it until I was like 35 years old.


Daniel Rosen  3:23  

To learn credit repair,


Paranda Davis  3:24  

I started using it when I was 19 and 20. That's when I bought my first home. Then, I started getting into investments and other things. So, things just got better from there. But then you know, you go through relationships, and they don't work out, and the voice, and they don't work out. So then you have to change it up a little bit and just try to make it better. Yeah.


Daniel Rosen  3:43  

And what motivated you to turn it into a business. Um,


Paranda Davis  3:47  

I had a conversation with my cousin. She was telling me you know, the pain that the pandemic, but you know, we had a recession years ago, and my cousin, she came to me and she told me, she was like, Miranda, you need to get into finances because you're good at what you do. And I'm very organized. I like things done, right? Or it's not done at all. If it's not done by me. It's not done at all. So she just brought the idea to me, and I talked it over with my significant other, and he was like, Let's go for it. And I did and, and then I did my research. I hired someone from Florida to do the research in my area. He is surprised you have no competition. Wow. So yeah, he said you have no competition. So I was like, really? He said, That's a great business to get into because, you know, we had you just coming out of the recession, people losing their homes, their finances, they're not educated about credit or they finances, so I was like, Let's go for it. So it was amazing. So, I made $30,000 in my first month into credit repair. Wow,


Daniel Rosen  4:47  

how did you 30 Incredible how did you start getting your first clients?


Paranda Davis  4:52  

I just put a post on social media, and I didn't even like social media. You know, and then I was working for a small firm is swell, so I just kind of people had an idea exactly what I was, you know, doing. So it just like, I don't know, it was amazing. I just don't I can't explain it. But there were pupils coming to me it was coming to me very like back, back back back, you know? So I mean, that's just a blessing from God. And then from there, as the months went by, people started seeing results.


Daniel Rosen  5:20  

That's awesome. And how many clients do you have today about near about 1000 With so many clients, what's your secret to keeping them engaged and committed throughout the credit repair process, communication,


Paranda Davis  5:33  

and being honest, document everything that you do, because you're gonna have some clients and clients, they have personal issues going on, they're upset, they don't they've been through things, you know, and they don't understand. Communication is the number one thing, and you must make sure you document every step of the way in your process. You know, and you have to have an amazing team, because it's hard doing it just by yourself.


Daniel Rosen  5:57  

Yeah, how long were you doing it all by yourself? At the beginning,


Paranda Davis  6:01  

um, maybe about seven, seven years, just completely by myself, nobody was on board or nothing, like the seven years. And then the rest. I said I wanted to grow more. So I had to start hiring people and start duplicating myself, you know, so that way I can multiply my income. When I went in, I set up my first office, and then I just Googled credit repair and credit repair software, and you came up first. And it was just blue. And it was just so beautiful. It was just the energy, and you were always happy. It was just that you kept us going. 


Daniel Rosen  6:37  

Thank you so much. Keep us have competition back there, either.


Paranda Davis  6:41  

I know. When I first went in it, you guys just thought it was no other software.


Daniel Rosen  6:47  

Right? Thank you for taking a chance on us. Because you've been with us so long. How has Credit Repair Cloud played a role in your journey? And how does the software help you with your business?


Paranda Davis  6:58  

It makes my life a whole lot easier. Honestly, I can almost cry right now. Yeah, I can communicate with my employees, my clients or my affiliates. It just it just easy. I can travel, I can go anywhere. And then I can work from wherever I want to be it like the gym, you know, out of the country, I can be anywhere and still able to work and communicate with my clients and my face and my employees.


Daniel Rosen  7:25  

Well, we have a lot of cool things coming that I think you're gonna really love. And yeah, we do. Now, you mentioned that watching your clients reach their credit goals is something you really enjoy. Can you share a memorable success story of a client whose life was changed with your services, single parents


Paranda Davis  7:44  

that was once homeless in a shelter, and that I witnessed, and I held their hand the entire way. That was amazing. And that's what touches me is just helping someone from the start to the end and complete and reach their goals because that's something that their children that they can pass on to their children and give back their relief and the pain that comes off their back. I had two clients that almost fainted in my office. Wow. Well, actually, one of them did. Yes. Yes, they did. So there was, like, you just had that black girl. Imagine


Daniel Rosen  8:15  

you're on your site. You had a video of a woman who it looked like you helped her to get into a new high. Yeah. Yes. was crying. And I was crying. It was an amazing video.


Paranda Davis  8:29  

Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. And she's still doing well, as of today. That's so good. She's even gotten better. Yeah. And


Daniel Rosen  8:37  

I was looking at all kinds of stuff about you today. Your reviews on Google are amazing that you're like, right up there just about five stars. Yeah, it's incredible. How important are client referrals and testimonials to your business? They're


Paranda Davis  8:54  

very important. But the Google reviews always acts, especially when I do the email blasts, or communicating back and forth with the clients. And I just ask them, you know, just leave me a Google review. I don't tell them exactly what to do. I said, Just be honest. So if anything bad, just just just, you know, put it out there because I just want the truth. You know, everything can't be perfect. You know? And they do and you know, and I was picked expertise. out of 476 credit repair companies. I came up within the top 12 Wow. Yeah, Charlotte and surrounding area. So yeah, that's amazing. So that was amazing. I got my badge for that as well. Good


Daniel Rosen  9:36  

for you. And so at the end of working with them is that when you encourage them to leave reviews, how does that work?


Paranda Davis  9:44  

Oh, sure. Okay. Yes, I encourage them to leave reviews if they want to, you know, some most people is very private. So I do respect that, you know, but you know, I always just put it out there because they could be helping someone else because that's the first thing we do now and they They go to Google, they look at the reviews and they read the review. So that's very important. And I tell you communication is the number one and being honest to your clients.


Daniel Rosen  10:08  

How do you leverage those reviews or success stories or testimonials in your marketing to demonstrate the effectiveness of your services?


Paranda Davis  10:19  

Um, I always ask them, you know, to, if they can do a video, it's very hard to do people because like I said, again, some people just private, you know, and I'm kind of old school, so it was kind of to get those, those videos and those marketing stuff out there. So I just say we're just please leave me, you know, X, yeah, X some to leave me a review. And most of them they do. And some of them they do it. I don't even ask, they're like, gonna leave you a review. You're so good. You're so awesome. You know? But it is amazing that I'm here able to change lives and help people. You


Daniel Rosen  10:51  

really are a credit hero.


Paranda Davis  10:53  

Oh, yeah, I go I was Vito,


Daniel Rosen  10:57  

let's talk about your team. So you were seven years on your own? And then you what made you what made you realise you needed to hire? And what was that process? Like? And and how big a team do you have today?


Paranda Davis  11:08  

I went to a couple of bad apples. And you know, in our industry, you know, there's a lot of I'm not gonna say secrets. But there's a lot you have to really trust your staff. How


Daniel Rosen  11:17  

many people are on your team? Right now? I


Paranda Davis  11:19  

have, like six people on my team right now. Yeah. What's


Daniel Rosen  11:24  

your advice for growing and scaling a team like you've done,


Paranda Davis  11:28  

you definitely, if you want to grow, you definitely got to duplicate yourself. You know, you train other people to do the same thing that you do to give you a break. So won't be so much pressure and stress on on me. So I can focus on the marketing. And that's what's very important, because you got to stay out there and let people know who you are and what you do. Yeah. And


Daniel Rosen  11:48  

it's hard to grow the business if you're busy in the business. Exactly. Yeah. So I had, did you document all your processes? Do your team follow SOPs, things like that?


Paranda Davis  11:59  

Oh, yeah, we document everything. Yeah, we document everything. Because if someone come back and say, Hey, I'm not happy, you know, or I didn't see any results. I'm gonna pull my receipts. Because I know, I know, our work. And I know what we can do. And everyone, most of our clients is happy. I can say like, 9098 99 No, I


Daniel Rosen  12:20  

can tell by reading you're amazing. Oh, yeah. Yeah,


Paranda Davis  12:24  

they they're very happy. They very, very excited, very pleased.


Daniel Rosen  12:28  

What are your most effective marketing strategies that are working today for attracting new clients?


Paranda Davis  12:35  

Well, right now, a lot of women, most a lot of women, they follow me, and they just they very inspired by me. I think I know that I need to do more, but they were inspired by me. So right now I just do the lifestyle marketing, where they can see me every day like now, you know, I gained like 30 pounds, and I lost it, you know, things like that. So now I'm saying my father was getting into gym posting. Oh, they stick to it, though. But I'm just different things and health is very important that I'm implementing inside of the company as well, as far as a credit repair, but we want to be able to be healthy and enjoy the thing that we worked so hard for


Daniel Rosen  13:16  

sure. Sure. And I saw a lot of your lifestyle videos, I saw a tonne on Tik Tok, as well. Yeah. Your videos are awesome. And your content on on Instagram? How much does social media drive your business?


Paranda Davis  13:34  

It a lot. Yeah, socially, I really depend on social media for my business, because that's what we do right now the first time we do, we're gonna pull out our phones. We're gonna pull out phones. And I'm kind of goofy a little bit. And I love to laugh. And I like to dance, do crazy dances and stuff. And that's a part of me that a lot of people they don't see outside of me just working all the time. Yeah,


Daniel Rosen  13:57  

it's interesting. The, the posts about a lifestyle how that can help your business. Even though you're not talking about the business. You're not talking about credit. You're just having fun in a video. Right? It's really cool that that drives business. And I also saw on Instagram, you run a lot of promotions around holidays and events. So what's the strategy around those promotions? Well, most


Paranda Davis  14:25  

of my people they want they say that they can afford the services so it gives them the opportunity within those holiday months to try services out. Even like the first 45 days whenever they get their results. They're going to be oh my god amazing. Like, oh my god, like almost everything came off my credit report. So that's all I need, then I can go to somebody else. So that's it. That could drill that's my little my little phone and I can drill him in at around about that time and also, you know, it's cheap 30% off during the holiday. That's


Daniel Rosen  14:58  

really clever. I want to talk about your books. You've released two books, right? Yeah. Oh, yay. There it is. How to get an 800 credit score for rookies.


Paranda Davis  15:09  

Yes. It was released. I actually on Valentine's Day 2015. And then I have my children book as well.


Daniel Rosen  15:18  

Yeah. I, and that one's called cornbread, the little girl that asks a lot of questions. Yes.


Paranda Davis  15:25  

And those are my grandparents. And that was you? Well, as I said earlier, my grandparents, I was raised on a farm. And my grandparents taught me so much about agriculture. They just taught me about life at a young age and my parents were Jehovah's witnesses. So we would have to go into the garden to feed the pigs case, the chickens and the goats. Things like that. And my say, my grandfather as he slaughtered them, he cooked it he, you know, the vegetables we had we grown food. So I used to make up excuses because sometimes I didn't want to go out there and work, and I basically just stayed in the house and just like cooked for my grandparents, you know, did like, Look girly stuff inside the house and play with dolls. I didn't really want to work outside. But um, but yeah, so and then we will go shopping to the bank will go to the bank. And I always be the one that, hey, I want to sucker. You know, stick my head out, things like that. And I just say how my grandparents, they just really management. And they really knew how to, they didn't get caught up in stuff. They just know how to survive. And my grandfather he was in the army. So it was just all about like survival and just live in writing


Daniel Rosen  16:39  

two books is quite an amazing feat. And writing a book really shows that you're the expert. What effects have you seen on your business by publishing these books?


Paranda Davis  16:50  

Man, I'm gonna tell you, if you have a business, you got to have a product. So I've written the book in layman's terms, because when I first got into the business in 2013, everyone was like trying to, I don't know what you're talking about. And I'm sitting there telling, you know, teaching people how to use credit cards, you know, the percentages and things and they were just lost, like, they didn't understand anything I was talking about. So I said, Well, let me just write this, break this stuff down into layman's terms, where you guys can understand. And that's what I did. And I have sold over, like, over two and made over 20 grand $20,000 selling my books I did great. Like, it was amazing. It's on Amazon. And I was very, very blessed to to actually write my first book and, and put it where people can understand and people still buying it. Now today. I see people talking about that now, you know, other companies or credit repair companies are you know, talking about it, so I'll say, but actually, I was the first female black female that wrote a book How to get 100 credit score. So awesome. That's I get my reward for that. gratulations.


Daniel Rosen  18:01  

Thank you. Okay, I want to talk about credit repair itself. So of all the credit repair strategies you've learned, which one do you think was the biggest game changer for you? Being


Paranda Davis  18:15  

consistent with them getting on the credit bureaus, nerves, you just have to be on time. You can't miss a beat with them. No one allows. And it just it just no one, you know, that's how that's how you get on.


Daniel Rosen  18:29  

And then how do you deal with credit bureau stole letters they seem to be sending more and more?


Paranda Davis  18:34  

Oh, so yeah, I'm the credit be so I just say just just ignore that. Just keep going, gonna keep bugging, you know, just keep going. Just just keep going. And I tell my clients to just be patient. And like I said, again, I communicate with them. I said just you got to be patient. That's like one of the most important thing that you have to tell your clients is to be patient because it's not an overnight success. Some people get done really quickly, but you really have to have patience with do


Daniel Rosen  19:02  

you let them know ahead of time that those discouraging letters are going to be coming from the Bureau's.


Paranda Davis  19:07  

Oh, of course, I'll let them know everything. That's all I let them know. Yes, you got to communication is the number one key.


Daniel Rosen  19:16  

What's a common misconception people have about credit repair that you wish you could correct?


Paranda Davis  19:22  

Well, I hate that. There are other people who say that they do credit and they don't actually do it. You know, and they don't get the job done. They take the people's money, they don't do the work and then I have to they don't want to like four or five people. And then they don't came to me and I have to hear it.


Daniel Rosen  19:39  

Does that happen often when you're cleaning up someone else's mess? Another credit repair company?


Paranda Davis  19:46  

Yeah, they shop around. They shop around but whenever they come to me, the majority of them are happy. Most of them are happy. I say like 99%.


Daniel Rosen  19:58  

Amd what's one piece of advice you'd Give it to someone who wants to start their own credit repair business.


Paranda Davis  20:03  

Just do it. Stay consistent. get Credit Repair Cloud. Yes, that's the number one. Just do it. If it's your passion, see, this is my passion. I've been doing it for almost 11 years. This is my passion. And I love it. Awesome.


Daniel Rosen  20:22  

What are your next big goals for your business? And how do you plan to achieve them?


Paranda Davis  20:27  

I have a lot of ideas. I want to really get into getting more people to do that wants to get into the business, I want to be able to help them and, you know, get to get them started. There's some pros and there are some cons it but I would love to help and get more people to do what I do


Daniel Rosen  20:48  

to be a mentor to them. Oh, yes. That's awesome. You'd be really good at that.


Paranda Davis  20:53  

Yeah, I did. I have a couple of them—a lot of them. They're actually doing very well, but I want to be able to take on more.


Daniel Rosen  21:05  

Yeah, that sounds awesome. Helping other businesses is fun. I like that. Oh, yeah. Very good. Okay, we're gonna wrap up soon. So, I want to switch gears, and I'm going to ask you a few rapid questions. So, just answer with the first thing that pops into your head. Okay. Okay, here we go. What's your business superpower?


Paranda Davis  21:24  



Daniel Rosen  21:25  

Awesome. What's your business? Kryptonite, meaning the area you've had to work the hardest to improve marketing? What does business ownership mean to you? It means everything to me. What drives and motivates you? My family? What's your definition of success? Happiness?


Paranda Davis  21:43  

Peace. If you help, yeah,


Daniel Rosen  21:46  

health, if you could go back in time and tell yourself one piece of advice.


Paranda Davis  21:51  

What would it be? Be patient take your time. And do


Daniel Rosen  21:54  

Do you have any other advice for someone just starting out with a credit repair business? Sure.


Paranda Davis  21:58  

If you get into the credit repair business, just hang in there. You're going to have the ups and downs. It's tough. But just remember you're helping other people, and we need a lot of Credit Heroes. We do. We need a lot of people because the world is so big. Sure.


Daniel Rosen  22:16  

Sure. There are hundreds of millions of people needing help with their credit. Yeah,


Paranda Davis  22:21  

especially since it was going on now that you know the pandemic. We're going through a crisis right now. So we need more people. We need more Credit Heroes. Yes,


Daniel Rosen  22:29  

we do. And finally, how can people find you online and reach out to you and get your book or learn about mentoring? Great,


Paranda Davis  22:37  

okay. All social media is just like a big credit base. Instagram, Facebook, Lincoln, and TikTok on right there.


Daniel Rosen  22:49  

And your website. Is Davis future planning, Doc? Yes. Awesome. Well, I want to thank you so much for your time today. This was a lot of fun to do and have fun.


Paranda Davis  23:01  

Ashley? Sure did. I was a little nervous. But always, you did. Awesome. Had a great, amazing opportunity. And thank you so much. Thank


Daniel Rosen  23:09  

Thank you for being here. And for everyone out there watching and listening. If you're finding value in the things we share on this podcast, click below to subscribe and follow. Also, give us a five-star review or share the show and help us to change more lives. If you'd like to read the show notes, they're posted on my blog. If you have a question or a comment, drop it down below because I read each and every one of them. I would love to hear from you. And I'll respond as soon as I can. And if you want to get inspired by other successful Credit Heroes, check out my podcast with mom and mogul Nicole Carvone. And if you'd like to get certified in disputing gain confidence, and grow your very own credit repair business, check out our credit hero challenge. Doors are closing soon. So sign up right now at And keep changing lives. Hey everybody, it's Daniel again. And really quick, I'd like to invite you to join what I believe is the best thing we have ever created inside the Credit Repair Cloud community. And it is a challenge that we call the credit hero challenge. If you're just planning out your business, or you're just getting started, and you dream of having a successful business of your own. So you can quit your nine-to-five and fire your boss and have financial freedom or you can add another revenue stream to your existing business. If that's your dream, you need to get into this challenge. We created this challenge to help you create and launch your very own credit repair business to build a proper foundation for a really successful business. This challenge is going to help you to understand the strategy, the tactics and all the things you need to be successful at credit repair. It really is the greatest thing we have ever built. and it will change your life. So I recommend you do it right now. Stop everything, pause this audio, go online and go to That's and join the next challenge. And there's a challenge that starting in just a few days, so go get started right now at


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