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You Got Your First Client - Now What?

By: Daniel Rosen Last updated: April 24, 2024

I see it every day inside our Credit Repair Cloud Facebook community. 

Somebody decides to start their own credit repair business, they begin to follow my proven way to get your first client within 24 hours, and guess what? 

It works! 


The only problem is, it happened so fast, they don't know what to do next. 

So today, I’m sharing a high level view of the process so if you’re in the same boat as a lot of our Credit Heroes are when they're just starting out, you’ll feel confident as you grow your business, get results for your clients, and change a lotta lives. 

Okay, when you get that first service agreement signed, it can be both exciting and nerve wracking at the same time, because now it’s all becoming real.  

You’ve got a job to do and a life to change! 

But don’t panic. 

For those of you who took our awesome Credit Hero Challenge already, you learned all about the benefits of starting out with free clients, like family, friends or even complete strangers. 

The whole point of this is to get practice, gain confidence and get a bunch of positive reviews, some killer testimonials and most importantly get referrals.

In the Credit Hero Challenge, we walk you through step by step on exactly what to do and how to do it with a proven and repeatable process. 

But what about paid clients?

Once your first client enrolls, you need to start by “onboarding”.

At this point you may have already received their credit reports, imported them into Credit Repair Cloud, ran the simple audit and closed the deal.  

And, by the way, you can do all this for a LEAD, before you make them into a client. 

The next step is to setup your new client in your Credit Repair Cloud software so you’ll need to finish filling in your client’s profile, set the status as “Client”, set a start date, assign the client to yourself or a team member, turn the portal access on and choose the agreement you want to use. 

If it’s a paid client, you’ll need to set up payment arrangements using your preferred payment method. 

Your client will receive login credentials and they need to log in from their smartphone, then they sign your agreement, and take a picture of their ID and utility bill. Once that’s done, you're all set. You're ready to start repairing credit!

This is where it gets really fun, but can feel overwhelming at first - and that’s okay! 

Start by reviewing and tagging items in the pending credit report, once you do this the entire lifecycle will have been planned out. 

Next, run the dispute wizard and choose the items you want to dispute. 

Print and mail the letters with the copy of the clients ID and utility bill. 

Now it’s time to wait. 

But that doesn’t mean your work is done. You want to make sure your client feels fully supported during those 45 days of waiting. 

A great way to do this is through automated emails you set up ahead of time. 

That was easy wasn't it? 

Now, to REALLY grow your business, you need to maximize the benefits of every single client by collecting, advertising and marketing each result, review, testimonial and referral to its fullest potential. 

You can also use this time of waiting to get ready for the amazing testimonials and results you’re about to get! 

First, set up your free business listings on Google Places, Yelp and TrustPilot. You're gonna need them later so your clients can post reviews about you.  

Then, when your first client sends you results they receive from the bureaus, especially when you've gotten a deletion or a score increase, be sure to post them on your personal and business Facebook page, your website and blog, Instagram, LinkedIn and any other platform that you can reach potential clients.  

Just be sure to blur or mark out any personally identifying information.  

These results you post are going to grow your business.  

They're proof that you're the credit expert, so brag about them! It’s exciting, you should be proud, and this will attract more clients! 

Next, reach out to your client and ask if they can give you a review and testimonial for you. 

You're going to use these, and repurpose them ALL OVER the place. 

But, don’t just settle for a written review or testimonial, ask for a video too!  

And also ask your clients to post reviews on the business listing platforms like Yelp, Google, and Trustpilot.

Then once they do, copy and repost those reviews and videos on your website, blog, facebook and any other platform that you can reach potential clients.

As you gain email contacts, send out a newsletter or drip email to them, showing them how you helped your client. 

Next, don’t be shy - ask for referrals! 

Ask your clients if they know anyone that could use your help. This is how you grow your business and gain more clients quickly without spending a dime on advertising!

Then simply follow up with your referrals and convert them to paying clients.

Lather, rinse, repeat! 

Before you know it, you’ll have a profitable credit repair business and change a lotta lives. 

This proven process is exactly how many of our top 1% credit repair millionaire’s club winners started their business from nothing. 

One of them is Ashley M. If you check out her Facebook profile, you’ll see it covered with reviews, testimonials and repurposed client stories which is exactly why she has one of the top credit repair businesses in the industry. 

The same is true for Jose Rodriguez, Andre Coakley and so many others that followed this simple, repeatable process. 

If you haven't already taken our Credit Hero Challenge, I invite you to join today! 

There’s just too much information to give you in a short podcast episode!

During the challenge, you’ll get a much more detailed explanation of this process, a bunch of amazing resources like our onboarding checklist and growth checklist that gets into the nitty gritty details of exactly what you need to do to be successful, and LIVE coaching and accountability to answer your questions in realtime and provide tons of support! 

Just go to because we’re starting again soon!


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I've seen it time and time again, inside our Credit Repair Cloud Facebook community. Someone decides to start their own credit repair business, they begin to follow my proven way to get your first client within 24 hours, and guess what? It works! The only problem is, it happens so fast, they don't know what to do next. So I thought I would spend an episode sharing a high-level view of the process, so if you're in the same boat, as a lot of our Credit Heroes, when they're just starting out, you are going to feel confident as you grow your business, get results for your clients, and change a whole lot of lives! So stick around! 



So the big question is this. How can we take our passion for helping people with their credit, and turn it into a successful business without taking loans without spending a fortune by bootstrapping it from nothing, so we can help the most people and still become highly profitable? That is the question, and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Daniel Rosen, and welcome to Credit Repair Business Secrets.



Okay, before I dive in if you are new to this podcast, be sure to click to subscribe and turn on notifications, so you don't miss a thing. Okay, when you get that very first service agreement signed, it can be both exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time, because now it's all becoming real. You've now got a job to do and a life to change! But don't panic! For those of you who took our awesome Credit Hero Challenge already, you learned all about the benefits of starting out with free clients like family or friends, or even complete strangers. Now, the whole point of this, the whole point of having free clients at the beginning, is to get practice to gain confidence and to collect a whole bunch of positive reviews, as well as killer testimonials, and most importantly, to get referrals. Now, in the Credit Hero Challenge, we walk you through step by step exactly what to do and how to do it with a proven and repeatable process. But what about paid clients? Once your first client enrolls, you need to start onboarding. At this point, you may have already received their credit reports, imported them into Credit Repair Cloud, ran this simple audit, and close the deal. And by the way, you can import an audit and do all that for a lead, before you make them a client in the software. The next step is to set up that new client in your Credit Repair Cloud software. So you'll need to finish filling in their Client Profile. And then you set the status as "Client", you set a start date, and then you assign the client to yourself or a team member. And then you turn portal access on and choose the agreement that you want to use. If this is a paid client, you'll need to set up payment arrangements using your preferred payment method. And next, your client, they will receive login credentials, and they'll need to log in from their smartphone. And then they sign your agreement. They take a picture of their photo ID and their utility bill. And once that's done, you're all set, you're now ready to start repairing credit. This is where it gets really fun. But it can feel overwhelming at first. And that's okay. Just start by reviewing and tagging the items in the pending credit report. And once you do this, the entire life cycle will have been planned out. Next, you run the dispute wizard and choose the items that you want to dispute. Then you print and mail the letters with the copies of the clients ID and utility bill. And now we wait. Okay, but that doesn't mean that your work is done. No. You want to make sure that your client feels fully supported during these 45 days of waiting. So a great way to do this is by having automated emails that you can set up ahead of time. That was easy, wasn't it? Now to really grow your business. You need to maximize the benefits of every single client by collecting, advertising and marketing. Each result. Each review each testimonial and referral to its fullest potential. You can also use this time of waiting to get ready for the amazing testimonials and results that you're about to get. So to do that, set up your free business listings on Google Places, Yelp, and Trustpilot, because you're going to need them later so that your clients can post reviews about you. And then when your first client sends you the results that they receive from the Bureau's, especially when you've gotten a deletion, or a score increase, be sure to post them on your personal and your business Facebook page, as well as your website, your blog, Instagram, LinkedIn, and any other platform that you can reach potential clients on. Just be sure to blur out or mark out any personally identifying information, these results that you post, they are going to grow your business, they are the proof that you are the credit expert, so brag about them. It's exciting, you should be proud, and this will attract more clients. And next, reach out to your client and ask if they can give you a review, and a testimonial. And you're going to use these and you're going to repurpose them all over the place. But don't just settle for a written review or a testimonial alone. No, ask for a video two videos are very powerful. Also, ask your clients to post reviews on the business listing platforms like Yelp, and Google, and Trustpilot. Make it easy and give them a direct link to the page where you want the review. And then once they do that, copy, and repost those reviews and those videos on your website, your blog, Facebook, and any other platform where you can reach potential clients. As you gain email contacts, start to send out a newsletter, or a drip-email campaign, showing them how you helped your client. And next, don't be shy. ask for referrals. Ask your clients if they know anyone who could use your help. This is how you grow your business. And this is how you gain more clients quickly without spending a dime on advertising. And then simply follow up with your referrals and convert them to paying clients. And then lather rinse and repeat. Just keep doing the same things. And before you know it, you're gonna have a profitable credit repair business, and you're going to change a whole lot of lives. This proven process is exactly how most of our top 1% credit repair millionaires club winners started their business from absolutely nothing. One of them is Ashley M. If you check out her Facebook profile, you'll see it's totally covered with reviews, testimonials, and repurposed client stories, which is exactly why she has one of the top credit repair businesses in America today. And the same is true for Jose Rodriguez and Andre Coakley, and so many others that follow this simple, repeatable process. If you haven't already taken our Credit Hero Challenge, I invite you to join today. There's just too much information to give you in a short podcast episode, but during that challenge, you're going to get a much more detailed explanation of the process, a bunch of amazing resources, like our onboarding checklist, our growth checklist that gets into the real nitty-gritty details of exactly what you need to be successful, as well as live coaching and accountability to answer your questions in real-time, and provide tons of support. We're starting the next challenge in just a couple days, so sign up right now at And if you're finding value in this podcast, click below to subscribe, okay? I don't want you to miss any episodes. And if you're feeling kind, rate me and review me give me a thumbs up because this is a new podcast, and I can use all the help I can get. And I can't wait to see you in the next episode. And until then, be a Credit Hero and keep changing lives! 



Hey, everybody, it's Daniel again. And really quick, I'd like to invite you to join what I believe is the best thing we have ever created inside the Credit Repair Cloud Community. And it is a challenge that we call the Credit Hero Challenge. If you're just planning out your business or you're just getting started, and you dream of having a successful business your own, so you can quit your nine to five and fire your boss and have financial freedom, or so you can add another revenue stream to your existing business, if that's your dream, you need to get into this challenge. We created this challenge to help you to create and launch your very own credit repair business. To build a proper foundation for a really successful business. This challenge is going to help you to understand the strategy, the tactics, and all the things you need to be successful at credit repair. It really is the greatest thing we have ever built, and it will change your life. So I recommend you do it right now. Stop everything, pause this audio, go online, and go to That's and join the next challenge. And there's a challenge that's starting in just a few days. So go get started right now at

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