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Avoid These 3 DANGEROUS Mistakes When Starting Your Own Credit Repair

By: Daniel Rosen Last updated: April 24, 2024

The credit repair industry is growing so quickly as more and more people need help to fix their credit because of these crazy economic times. 

That means, there’s a ton of potential to start, run, and grow a profitable credit repair business right now. 

But before you get too far into it, there are a few things you really need to know in order to stay out of trouble. 

So today, I’m gonna look at 3 of the most dangerous lies and misrepresentations out there so you can avoid costly mistakes and instead can focus on building the business of your dreams and changing alotta lives. 

So let’s get to it.


Dangerous Credit Repair Business Lie #1: 

“Focus first on building your business and making money.”

Jeff Bezos, the richest man on the planet, famously credits his incredible success to “Always putting the customer first”...

And he’s right. 

If you focus only on building your business and making money, you may have some success, but it’ll be nothing compared to how huge your business could grow if you focus on changing lives. 

I know this is true because it’s exactly what happened with Credit Repair Cloud. 

When I stressed over every penny and focused on chasing the money, we were stuck. The company didn’t grow. But then when I realized all the lives that could change if I really focused on helping people, we started to have huge growth, month after month. 

The same will be true for your business. The potential you have to grow beyond what you can imagine will only ever be realized IF you focus on your client’s and changing their lives. 

The revenue will always follow because dollars follow value. 

Add value to your clients and community, and the money will follow. 

Dangerous Credit Repair Business Lie #2: 

“Sometimes you need to bend the rules to get credit repair results.” 

The credit repair industry is regulated at both a state and federal level. So in other words, the Federal Government has rules you need to follow and each individual state has its own set of rules as well. 

At a federal level, the Credit Repair Organization Act is the law of the land. Under CROA, it says you cannot lie or advise others to lie about their credit history, you cannot alter identities, misrepresent services or charge people before the work is complete. 

CROA also mandates specific requirements your contract must adhere to such as the payment amount, description of services, an estimate of how long the service takes as well as two identical notices of cancellation. 

On a state level, every state is different. 

Some states have no requirements while others are pretty strict. Some of the things you want to make sure you know about for the states you have clients living in are: 

  1. Does the state require a bond? 
  2. Does the state require specific disclosures in your contract?
  3. Does the state require CSO registration?
  4. Does the state require a minimum refund period?
  5. Does the state require a specific term or limit on what you can charge.

To learn more about the specific compliance regulations you need to follow, you can check them out at

The third and final dangerous lie out there is:

Dangerous Credit Repair Business Lie #3 “I can stretch the truth as needed to get leads.”

What does that mean exactly? 

I think we’ve all seen examples of this at one time or another. It may be an ad or video that says, “Guaranteed 100+ point increase in 30 days or less”... or “We’ll get all your negative items deleted in 30 days or less - now matter what they are!”

Aside from the obvious reason it’s best not to mislead your potential new clients, there’s also danger involved in making claims that can’t be backed up by consistent results. 

Regulators are known to go after credit repair organizations that make deceptive statements, false promises or imply they can do more than they truly can. 

It’s VERY important that you make sure your website, sales script, social media, marketing materials and advertisements are free of any kind of misleading or deceptive information. 

The FTC and other consumer watchdogs who judge your content, judge it  based on the overall “net impression” of whatever you’re saying. 

This means they look at what the content says or shows from the viewpoint of the audience you are trying to reach. If your content is part of the consumers decision to buy from you and it’s not transparent and truthful, you could run into dangerous problems. 

Also be cautious about offering resources, results, or content that generally seems too good to be true. 

  • The following should be off-limits to every Credit Hero:
  • Credit sweeps
  • New identities
  • Tradelines
  • Overnight results
  • Guaranteed credit scores 

...and all the other scams and gimmicks out there promise anything not taught through Credit Repair Cloud’s trainings. 

In the end, the TRUTH is, there has never been a better time to start, run, and grow a profitable credit repair business. AND there’s NO reason to bend or break the rules, or do anything that would put you or your business in jeopardy. 

So if you wanna know more about compliance, regulations, disputing, how to start and grow a credit repair business AND you wanna learn from myself and other experts in the credit repair industry, then I invite you to join the upcoming Credit Hero Challenge where we’ll walk you by the hand as you launch your credit repair business in just a couple of weeks even if you HAVE no experience in credit repair or as an entrepreneur.



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The credit repair industry is growing so quickly, as more and more people need help to fix their credit because of these crazy economic times. I mean, think about it, how many people because of this pandemic are out of work, can't pay their bills can't pay their mortgage...? This is going to create a tidal wave of new business for you. Over the next few years, it's going to be massive. This means there is a huge potential to start, run, and grow your profitable credit repair business right now! But before you get too far into it, there are a couple of things you need to know in order to stay out of trouble. Okay? I want to make sure you stay out of trouble. So today, I'm going to look at three of the most dangerous lies and misrepresentations out there so that you can avoid costly mistakes and then you can instead focus on building the business of your dreams and changing a whole lot of lives. So stick around! 


So the big question is this. How can we take our passion for helping people with their credit and turn it into a successful business without taking loans without spending a fortune by bootstrapping it from nothing? So we can help the most people and still become highly profitable? That is the question, and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Daniel Rosen, and welcome to Credit Repair Business Secrets. 


Okay, today we are diving into the three most dangerous lies ever told about running a credit repair business. Now, if you don't have your own business yet, and you'd like me to hold you by the hand, as you launch your very own credit repair business in just a couple of weeks, you know what you got to do? You got to check out the Credit Hero Challenge at, and if you're watching on YouTube, just click the link down in the description. Okay? So let's get into it! Dangerous credit repair business lie #1: "Focus first, on building your business and making money." Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon and the richest man on the planet, he famously credits his incredible success to always putting the customer first. And he's right. If you focus only on building your business, and only on making money, sure, you're going to have some success, but it's going to be nothing compared to how huge your business could grow. If you focus on changing lives. I know this is true, because it's exactly what happened for me with Credit Repair Cloud. When I stressed over every penny, and I focused just on chasing the money. We were stuck as a company, that company didn't grow. But then when I realized all the lives that could change if I just focused only on helping people, you know what happened, we started to have huge growth month after month after month. And the same will be true for your business. See the potential that you have to grow beyond what you can even imagine. It will only be realized if you focus on your clients and on changing their lives. Okay, that is the secret to success, the revenue will always follow because dollars follow value. This really is the essence of success. So I'm going to say that one more time, the revenue will always follow because dollars follow value. And therefore if you add value to your clients and to your community, the money will always follow. Okay? Dangerous credit repair business line #2: "Sometimes you need to bend the rules to get credit repair results." That's a straight-out lie. The credit repair industry is regulated at both a state and a federal level. Okay, it's regulated. It's not a free for all Okay, so in other words, the federal government has rules that you must follow. And each individual state has its own set of rules as well. Okay? It's not complicated. You just have to know the rules, okay? And they're very simple. at a federal level, the credit repair organizations act C R O A, that is the law of the land. Now under CROA. It says, you cannot lie, or advise others to lie about their credit history. You cannot alter identities. You cannot misrepresent services or charge people before you have done the work. Okay? You don't have to do all the work. But as long as you've done some work before you charge for the work that you just did, okay? Croma also mandates specific requirements to your contract, that you must adhere to like the payment amount that the client is going to pay a description of services, they are getting an estimate of how long the service is take, as well as two identical notices of cancellation. on a state level, every state is different. Some states have no requirements, while others are very strict. Some of the things you want to make sure you know about for the states you have clients living in our does the State require a bond? Does the State require specific disclosures in your contract? Does the State require CSO registration? CSO is credit service organization? That's you? Does the State require a minimum refund period? Does the State require a specific term or limit on what you can charge? Okay, you need to learn these rules for your state or any state where your clients are okay. And to learn more about this specific compliance regulations that you need to follow. We have them all posted for you. You can check them out at And finally, dangerous credit repair business lie #3: "I can stretch the truth as needed to get leads." So what exactly does that mean? I think we've all seen examples of this at one time or another. It may be an ad or a video that says guaranteed 100 plus point increase in 30 days or less, or we'll get all your negative items deleted immediately, no matter what they are. Now, Aside from the obvious reason, it's best not to mislead your potential new clients. There's also danger involved in making claims that can't be backed up by consistent results. regulators are known to go after credit repair organizations that intentionally make deceptive statements, false promises, or imply that they can do more than they truly can. So it is very important that you make sure your website, your sales script, your social media, your marketing materials, and advertisements, you've got to make sure that they are all free and clear of any kind of misleading or deceptive information. Because the FTC and the other consumer watchdogs who judge your content, they judge it based on the overall net impression of whatever you're saying. This means that they're going to look at what the content says or shows from the viewpoint of the audience that you're trying to reach. If your content is part of the consumers decision to buy from you, and it's not transparent, and if it's not truthful, you're going to run into dangerous problems. Okay? Also be very, very cautious about offering resources, results or content. That generally seems too good to be true. Okay? The following should be off-limits to every Credit Hero. Credit sweeps, new identities, selling trade lines overnight results, guaranteed deletions or guaranteed credit scores, and all the other scams and gimmicks out there that promise anything that's not taught through Credit Repair Clouds trainings. Okay, if you take our trainings, which are very, very affordable, you're going to learn how to do this the right and the legal way. In the end, the truth is, there is never been a better time to start, run and grow a profitable credit repair business. And there is no reason to ever bend or break the rules, or to do anything that would put you or your business in jeopardy. So if you want to know more about compliance regulations, disputing how to start and grow a credit repair business, and you want to learn from me and the other experts in the credit repair industry, that I want to invite you to join our upcoming Credit Hero Challenge, where I will walk you by the hand as you launch your very own credit repair business in just a couple of weeks, even if you have no experience in credit repair, or as an entrepreneur, and if you're finding value in the things that I'm sharing on this podcast, click below to subscribe, okay. And if you're feeling kind, rate me and give me a review, because this is a new podcast and I can use all the help I can get. And I will see you on the next episode. So until then, keep changing lives! 


Want a fast track to creating an amazing business that helps people, changes lives, and makes you a great living in the process? Then I'd like to invite you to my free online training at In this free training, you will learn how to get clients willing to pay you even if you're just starting out, how to get easy credit repair results without being an expert, and how to get all the clients you'll ever need without paying for advertising. Again, this training is absolutely free, just visit

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